First.thank you for your prompt reply!!!Well it's a long story ,we met grant to our job.I know he is good with is job(also i'm sure he loves it).He has a family,so i'm sure he needs money for support them and his hobbies(horses
).Let me explain that for who i am,for my deep feelings to clear up the situation with him.I don't like stay in silent if he does not exist.No,and no because it's my behaviour.Maybe am i too sentimental ,romantic?i suffered in my life,and even he will have the impression that i can be like a 'panzer' i will keep time.One or two month probably will be enough to stay in good relation such as friend.I will pretend an explanation.At that time i'll be ready for my real love.I'm an a moment of my life very difficult and taft.For now,it's time to think about my self.but before i need to say 'goodbye'to him.Tell me 'bon courage' or 'bonne chance'.Am i wrong? can you suggest me something?Merci and merci encore.