Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Fiorella_mcfly » Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:11 pm

:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar19U: :Tspace:
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Messages: 17
Inscription: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:19 am

Re: Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Dominique » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:19 pm

Dear Fiorella,

Even though we cannot have a direct dialogue, let me ask you a question: what makes you think that he might be embarrassed by your presence? and I would also ask you .. is it your presence or... the "things" that are unspoken rather??

It is true that the first 3 cards being reversed everything is upside down at the moment. Have you argued lately (the moon reversed) and what are you hiding to one another..?? maybe your feelings (l'Amoureux) or do you have in mind that he might have a relationship with someone else...or that he may not be in love with .... you? ??

No matter what, something has to change (arcana XIII) ... Maybe your thoughts have to change (If I consider that the Imperatrice represents you). Please be aware that conflicting wiews may occur between the two of you (if you look at the first line) but please please ...

be also aware that another kind of energy is very possible (looking at the second line) with more spontaneity and joy, leading to this beautiful Sun, where the communication is active again (even if is more on a friendship basis) and where both of you will enjoy being together...

May I suggest that you focus on the second and third line of the spread and do not let the "reversed" energies pull you down?

Warm wishes
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 52
Inscription: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Localisation: Cannes

Re: Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Fiorella_mcfly » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:10 am

Hi Dominique,
u've been so kind with me!! So thank you so much!!
Well... few days ago we had a little discussion..I think the things that make me realized that he's embarrassed by me is this: when we are together he seems very shy and he doesn't try to have a speech with me. Finally he doesn't look me in the eyes and when he does, it's rare!!

I think he feels something about me in which we are more than simple best friends(from my point of view) and it makes me realized that maybe the real problem is the things which are unspoken between us and not me!!..Maybe we're hiding our feeling one another, that's why a lot of times I thought that he doesn't care about me, he doesn't love me and he 's never thought about me for a moment in his life... so are these the thoughts that I have to change?

Our relationship or friendship (i don't know how call this! :D ) is really difficult because we use to have discussions everytime we talk!! (maybe because we're not able to tell us our feelings? who knows!!)... I'm really nervous because Saturday we have to go to a concert together and I don't know how act with him, because I don't know if he is embarrassed by me or the fact the we're hiding our feelings!!...
I think with these informations u'll be able to reply in a better way...
thanks again!! :D
Messages: 17
Inscription: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:19 am

Re: Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Dominique » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:26 pm

Hi Again,

Ok, I see. Well when someone is very shy, as you know things get worse when feelings are involved...
How old is he? what do you know about his previous relationships? I think it would also help you if you knew more about his passed love life.

In the meantime, the Tarot suggests as a solution that you both have fun together... (Arcana XVI, XXI and XVIIII). I think that he is the one who invited you to the concert, correct? He did not have to, so it means he is happy to share this with you!!

My best advise is that you breathe deeply before going so YOU are relaxed and you will see that the atmosphere will be "lightful". Because if you are nervous and he is nervous too! The atmosphere gets too heavy.

Decide to have fun no matter what, be in a good mood and pleasant to be with and observe how he behaves with you... Tell him how much you are happy that he organised that outing...

Let's keep our fingers crossed, ENJOY

Kind Regards
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 52
Inscription: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Localisation: Cannes

Re: Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Fiorella_mcfly » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:01 am

(ahahahhha it seems that God cannot help me anymore!! the concert has been deleted -.-'' )

He's 21 years old and what I know about his previous relationship is that he's not able to be for a long time with someone, his love stories don't last a lots (as the last one!).
So I think u'r right, maybe I should be calm so he can feel at ease!!
I think tht I will talk to him (when we will go to the store for the refund of our tickets) only to tell him tht I'm really sorry that the concert have been deleted because I'm really sure, we would have fun together so in this way he'll feel important and happy tht I enjoy to be with him!! (or I hope so!!)

So I have another question that is going through my mind right now: if he feels something tht is more than a simple, good friendship (and I think it is or better my heart is telling me this everytime and I don't know why) will he be able to tell me his feelings?
:Tspace: :Tar12U: :Tar09U: :Tspace: :Tspace:
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:Tspace: :Tspace: :TppfIT:
Messages: 17
Inscription: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:19 am

Re: Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Dominique » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:46 pm

Hi Fiorella,

First let me tell you that I am sorry you couldn't go to the concert :-(

Now, to answer your last question: according to you spread, we see - in the past - a man who was not ready to act, or move, or even talk (the Hermit looking at the Hanged Man). Now, at the present time we have le Mat, which could represent him, who is in action, so that is good news.. but what concerns me is that he is walking towards ... a man (the Emperor)... which makes me think that maybe he would make his confidences to a man? a friend you would have in common? In any case, the Tarot tells us that he is going to be more active in the near future, have more courage to take action...

Do you know anything about his plans for the future? His projects? When are you next seeing him?

Kind Regards
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 52
Inscription: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Localisation: Cannes

Re: Does he feel embarrassed by my presence?

Messagepar Fiorella_mcfly » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:07 pm

yes, you're right!! in the past he wasn't able to act!!
I think tht "the friend in common" could be my brother who is his best friend and or F.. which is the only one who is able to talk to him!!
maybe he's telling his secrets to him... I don't now!! XD
So I don't know anything about his feature plans but I'll met him, again, tomorrow and friday.. Today I've gone out with him and he's been so kind with me and he doesn't seem worried or imbarrassed by me...we've spoken about a lot of things and everything looked right!!
I hope tht in this way everything will be better!!
thanks again! :D
Messages: 17
Inscription: Tue Oct 25, 2011 12:19 am

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