end of my contract

end of my contract

Messagepar lhadrimo » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:12 am

My 4 years contract will end in a few days... I would like to stir up things a little... what kind of direction should I take?
:Tar00U: :Tar12U: :Tar15U:

hummm... looks relativly clear... but I might be mistaking!

How will I make money?
:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar11U: :Tar14U: :Tar17U: :Tspace:
:Tar03U: :Tar07U: :Tar01D: :Tar15D: :Tar00D: :Tar21U:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :TppfFR:

Thank you for giving me your attention! looking forward to reading you!
Messages: 79
Inscription: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:06 pm

Re: end of my contract

Messagepar iñigo » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:23 pm

Hi Ihadrimo,

the key at this reading is the card number XI Le Force. What does it mean to you?

The encounter between the cards number III, Limperatrice and the card number VII, Le chariot speaks clear about the perfect match between ideas and job...but in the past.
The three main cards underlining past present and future respectively, are upside down. That means you lose the link between what you like to do and what you need to get money. You must advance at some new direction (after the card Le Monde you don´t have more cards...that means an opened future... and the darkside of that..uncertainty)

So be patient (card number XIIII), and try to clarify the meaning of Le Force. In my opinion this card means, apart from possible meanings related to your current job, that you should accept austerity...

But your question is HOw, right?

Well, ask Le Force, what does this card represents to you?

ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 401
Inscription: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm

Re: end of my contract

Messagepar skip » Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:32 am

hello lhadrimo,

I agree with Iñigo about the need to connect what you like to do with what you need to do to make money.

In the three base cards in the second reading, both the practical thinker (the Juggler) and the dreamer (Le Mat) are reversed; that is, blocked somehow. How are they blocked?

The Devil reversed in the middle gives the answer: both the Juggler and Le Mat are looking at the Devil, which means Illusion. So it seems that both what you are thinking of and what you are dreaming of are not fully grounded in Reality right now. Have you heard about some kind of opportunity, some work that was suggested for you to do? If so, this reading is a caution to check out the situation thoroughly: someone may have exaggerated the possibilities, or not given you the full picture. Sometimes we humans listen to news with a filter, only hearing the good things. This is often the meaning of Le Mat reversed as well.

Of course, wanting a change—wanting to "stir things up"—is not a bad thing, but it is important to have an idea of what kind of change you truly desire.

Which takes us back to the first spread. Here we see the part of you that wants something new (Le Mat) moving toward The Hanged Man and the Devil, both of which depict people who are bound. They are not completely unhappy, but of course they are not Free. While Le Mat suggests the freedom you are feeling about your contract about to end, unfortunately the next two cards suggest that it will not turn into the complete freedom that you may have hoped for.

One does have to make a living, after all....

You did not mention whether your old contract could be renewed. "Being bound" can mean entering a contract, such as an employment contract. The first spread suggests such a contract; Le Mat may try to go away at first, only to return later, or he may successfully find something new, but in the latter case there may be a delay in starting. You may find yourself without work (Hanged Man) for a little while, before the new job begins.

Finally, I should mention that the solution cards in your second spread may contain a hint of what you should do. Temperance and the Star are both holding pitchers of water. Without knowing your field of experience, I can't get specific, but this often refers to the service industry, from physically pouring drinks for people (restaurants and bars, etc) to banks and other places that manage resources (the water), as well as many other forms of service. La Force/Strength can refer to some kind of management level. Unless, of course, you work in a zoo or an animal hospital ;-)

I hope you do find something, and even if it is not completely to your liking right now, or it is not the new breath of fresh air you hope for, then at least it will be a place where you can make money while discovering what you truly want to do next. You CAN discover how to break the bonds of limitation and your dream can come true, but you need to find a "dream" that is real, one that your soul truly wants to experience.

good luck!
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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 50
Inscription: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
Localisation: Tokyo/Lisbon/Paris

Re: end of my contract

Messagepar lhadrimo » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:35 pm

Hello Iñigo, Hi Skip!!!
Thank you both for your generous answer.
It is quiet right as a general picture... I am actually a painter (the star with the jars...), I have been salaried to do the decoration on a public space for the last 4 years. I am kind of bound by the job I have just "left", I will get back to it in April for 6 months,(hopefully!? XV) meanwhile it is necessary for me to open up to some other potentials creatively as well as financially. On one hand I am quiet tired of some aspect of this "job" (I and XI), and I feel on the other hand that April's new contract is a smooth way to get me ready for a higher jump into the void after this "buffer". It just worries me to see the Mat turning is back to the World... I do not what to get trap back there...
My new question would be:
How? or what should I work on, to reconcile myself with a personnal artistic expression?
:Tspace: :Tar20U: :Tar03U: :Tar01U:
:Tar11U: :Tar19D: :Tar07D: :Tar06D:

On a more general tone, will I be able to make a decent living as a free lance artist?
:Tspace: :Tar13U: :Tar18U:
:Tar00U: :Tar10D: :Tar20D:

How should I envisage this activity to make a decent living?
:Tspace: :Tar00U: :Tar19U:
:Tar11U: :Tar16D: :Tar18D:

Thank you very much for bringing your light on my stupid doubts!!!!!
Again, I look foward to reading you!
Yours Lhadri
Messages: 79
Inscription: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:06 pm

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