For Dominique please...

For Dominique please...

Messagepar jasmineTea » Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:02 pm

Dear Dominique...

How are you? Long time ago you read me the tarots. Today I kindly ask you to tell me what do you see in my sentimental future.
I feel both some changes will happen soon and at the same time everything seems to be still.
What do you see?

Thank you so much in advance,

:Tar15U: :Tar04U: :Tspace: :Tar16U: :Tar05U: :Tar18U: :Tspace:
:Tar12U: :Tar07D: :Tar14U: :Tar01D: :Tar13D: :Tar03D: :Tar21U:
:Tspace: :TppfIT:
Messages: 30
Inscription: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:50 am

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