for the coming summer

Re: for the coming summer

Messagepar Selena » Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:47 pm

Dominique a écrit:Dear Selena,
I hope all is well on your side. What a story hey!

Nevertheless, what I meant is that the hanged man hides his hands and he is passive.

According to your last spreads, there definitely is a problem with intimacy at the moment (XV reversed, II reversed) but to be honest it is difficult to say if it is physical or more psychological... it is a very sensitive thing and both aspects are often linked.. maybe he has had a painful experience and is now very cautious before comitting with someone?

Do you know anything about his previous relationships? What image does he have of women? Not to ask the question a shrink would ask... but do you know anything about his mother (because arcana XVIII and II are the image of the mother too, and they are reversed)?


Dear Dominique good evening to you and thank you once again.
Yes, he has had a horrible experience in his previous relationship and he is still suffering for it, even if some time has passed.... he says his heart is closed.............
I do not know anything about his mother, I know only she is quite old.
I can say you have seen really well................maybe I have to be patient (the angel of Temperance!).

I do thank you for your words....I will let you know about our meeting....

for now all the best to you, really, and do have a nice weekend!

Messages: 834
Inscription: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:23 pm


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