future marriage

Re: future marriage

Messagepar jasmineTea » Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:36 pm

Dearest Dominique,

I won't forget you, I'll soon let you know how things develop.
I also wish you to be fine.

Thanks from my heart.

Jas ;-)
Messages: 30
Inscription: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:50 am

Re: future marriage

Messagepar jasmineTea » Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:44 pm

Dearest Dominique,

I won't forget about you, I'll soon let you know how things develop.
I also wish you to be fine.

Thanks from my heart

Jas ;-)
Messages: 30
Inscription: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:50 am

Re: future marriage

Messagepar jasmineTea » Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:11 am

Dear Dominique,

I'm writing you because I already have some good news. Yesterday I went to be checked at the hospital. I signed for anestesia because I needed to be tested but before doing it they scanned me one more time and told me it was not as bad as they thought so they didn't do anything and told me to be checked in 6 months and hopefully it will be fine!!!
I was so happy! Plus... yesterday 'he' sent me a couple of messages to know how I was. No feeling were expressed in his sms but at least he remember me.
Now I wonder if it was this you were referring to when you wrote me he'll reconsider things and choose for the heart...
Not bad but not much... what do u think? Can I expect more?
Any real return? Here follows the spread. Sorry to disturb you again.
Thank you dear Dom. Take care.
:Tspace: :Tar19U: :Tar04U: :Tspace:
:Tar20U: :Tar02D: :Tar16D: :Tar01U:
:Tspace: :TppfIT:

Dominique a écrit:Dear Jasmine,

I am sorry to hear that you have health problems. I do hope that you will feel better very soon.

Your last spread shows that it is very possible that he will be still thinking of you in a while. According to what you say he is a bit scared by the reactions of his current girlfriend... But you see how the Lover is the last top card. It shows some hesitations and a choice to make, the choice of the heart.

In the meantime, try your best to go out a little bit, just to change your mind.

Take good care of yourself.

Messages: 30
Inscription: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:50 am

Re: future marriage

Messagepar jasmineTea » Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:31 pm

Hello Dominique,

I feel tonight I had a very strong and deep talk with him on the phone. We might meet once next days to speak more. He told me she's jelous only of me and nobody else.
I wonder the consequence of tonight's talk and future meeting.
If it ever happens you'll read this message, please look at this spread.

Thanks for your help take good care,

:Tspace: :Tar03U: :Tar11U: :Tar06U:
:Tar20U: :Tar17D: :Tar10D: :Tspace:
Messages: 30
Inscription: Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:50 am


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