gratuis tarot question

Un forum pour les visiteurs qui ne connaissent pas du tout la méthode Camoin. Un système automatique tirera les cartes à votre place. Vous pouvez poser une question afin d'avoir une lecture de Tarot. Les anciens élèves de l'École de Tarot Camoin tenteront d'y répondre . Soyez gentils! Revenez quelques temps plus tard pour donner un retour de votre tirage afin que les anciens élèves puiisent savoir à quel point leurs interprétations étaient correctes.

gratuis tarot question

Messagepar BelleWitte » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:20 am

Pardon moi, je suis Americaine et je parle un peu de francais, mais je parle plus d'anglais....I wanted to request a free tarot reading asking I would have un petit copain within the next annee? I'm sorry my French is so terrible, & I appreciate anyone who has the time to do a reading!

Merci beaucoup!
Messages: 1
Inscription: Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:11 am

Re: gratuis tarot question

Messagepar famiette26 » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:16 am

first, you need to know how it works.
You can ask a question, you write it clearly, in french if possible, if not in english and I'm sure some people who is able to "read" the cards can speak your language, (I'm not able to read the cards well)
You click on the button which is up this window, on your right "NOUVEAU TIRAGE DE TAROT CAMOIN" and you think of your question while clicking.
A new window will open with some coded text in, you copy it, paste it in this window (the entire text), below your question.
Then, you wait for someone to answer you. They are all working and helping for free here, so maybe you will have to wait a bit long, or not!

You also need to know that Tarot, does not tell the future, it helps you to see clearly a situation, and what it might become depending on how you act, or how you are. It helps to know things that are not working, things that you don't see or realize, or things you have to work on to have what you wish.
So maybe your question can be asked differently, like "What should I do to meet someone?"...

I hope my english is not too bad, and I hope I helped you!!

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Inscription: Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:00 pm

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