Hello from America

Sur ce forum, vous pouvez poser des tirages de Tarot selon la Méthode de Tirage Philippe Camoin et les anciens élèves de l'École de Tarot Camoin essaieront d'y répondre. Soyez gentils! Revenez quelques temps plus tard pour donner un retour de votre tirage afin que les anciens élèves puiisent savoir à quel point leurs interprétations étaient correctes.

Messagepar Paul » Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:17 pm

skip a écrit:
And, if you haven't noticed yet, as of today a lovely English forum has been created for us.

it's thanks to you, Paul!

(et grace a toi, Philippe :) )

:D :D :D :D (That is the American Smile, but truly sincere in this case!)

I would not have learned the Supreme Method if it weren't for a Frenchman!

I thank the French for preserving the Tarot de Marseille tradition and M. Camoin for his Method. It has been the method I have been looking for all of these years, both scientific and intuitive.

I suppose I should go to my English Room and post there. :wink:

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Messages: 262
Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

Messagepar skip » Wed Feb 20, 2008 3:30 pm

skip a écrit:Hi Paul-

It's great to see another American on the forum!

You are not alone.... :wink:

I have studied the Tarot with Philippe for a few years, was lucky to attend a workshop in Tokyo.

So now here we have two Americans, I think that is a quorum! :lol:

anyway glad to see you here,

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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 50
Inscription: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
Localisation: Tokyo/Lisbon/Paris


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