Hello from America

Sur ce forum, vous pouvez poser des tirages de Tarot selon la Méthode de Tirage Philippe Camoin et les anciens élèves de l'École de Tarot Camoin essaieront d'y répondre. Soyez gentils! Revenez quelques temps plus tard pour donner un retour de votre tirage afin que les anciens élèves puiisent savoir à quel point leurs interprétations étaient correctes.

Hello from America

Messagepar Paul » Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:33 pm


I am an American who has learned the Camoin method second-hand from private lessons with friends in Europe. Is there room for an English- speaking segment to this forum?

(If it helps, please know that I did not vote for Bush...twice!!!!) :wink:

I imagine that it would require an English-speaking subforum to go along with the Italian, Spanish, and French forums. I would also be relying on the graces of the bilingual or trilingual or multilingual members here. :oops:

Most respectfully,

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Messages: 262
Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

La Catalane

Messagepar Danette » Fri Feb 15, 2008 10:14 pm

Bonjour Paul.....!!!
c est gentil de nous mettre un message....(.quelqu 'un pourrait traduire SVP???)
Nous lui souhaitons la Bienvenue ....
La Catalane
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Messagepar Paul » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:44 pm

Voici ma traduction française pauvre (votre châtiment de moi est mérité) :


Je suis un Américain qui a appris la méthode de Camoin par procuration des leçons privées des amis en Europe. Y a-t-il une occasion pour un segment d'expression anglaise à ce forum ?

(S'il aide, veuillez comprennent que je pas vote pour Bush… deux fois ! ! ! !) :wink:

Peut-être, un subforum d'expression anglaise a pu aller avec les forum italiens, espagnols, et français. Moi-même et d'autres Anglais-orateurs compteraient également sur les graces des membres bilingues ou trilingues ou multilingues ici.


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Messages: 262
Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

hello from America

Messagepar taek » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:13 am

Hi Paul !

Nice to have an american who did not vote for Bush twice !! :wink:
and who does not hate french as well !! :wink:
I think you can write in english there because I know there are some bilingual members in the forum ...who would be more than happy to help you !

have a nice day ! (or night ? )

Messagepar Paul » Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:28 am

Hello Taek --

Please know, that from my experience, the idea that Americans hate the French is a stereotype. :wink: (And I live in a "red State"!)

It is evening here-- France is 7 hours ahead of us-- and ahead of us in many ways I believe!!!! :lol:
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Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

Messagepar ANNA » Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:46 am

Hola Paul,

Nice to meet you!!!!

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Messagepar taek » Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:05 am

Hi Paul,

I was teasing you regarding american hating French, don't worry !
:) I have been to the States several times and I perfectly know that stereotypes do not exist...

Regarding the Camoin method, I am just a beginner (but I will follow soon the Philippe Camoin training...) but there are quite very very talented people on this forum with very nice qualities from the heart...

Have a nice day !

Messagepar Paul » Sun Feb 17, 2008 2:40 am

Thank you for the greetings.

In my humble opinion, the Tarot de Marseille is making a resurgence here in my corner of the world. I have wondered if M. Camoin would be the pioneer to bring the Tarot de Marseille to soil once suffocated by the weeds of the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and the Crowley Thoth Tarot, but such decks are dying like L'Arcane sans nom.
Fertile soil awaits M. Camoin.
:Tar05U: :Tar17U:
:Tar15D: :Tar13U: :Tar20U:

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Messages: 262
Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

Messagepar Lux Ferre » Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:50 am

Hey Paul !

Nice to see some Americans over here !

Looks like the camoin method is spreading all around the world. Did you use the Rider-Waite decks in the past ?

Is the Marseille deck very used in english speaking countries ?

I'm going to check your game and let you know my interpretation of it within an hour.

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Lux Ferre
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Messagepar Lux Ferre » Mon Feb 18, 2008 8:10 am

In the present, looks like things are changing fast, removing the dust of past intellectual illusions. We can see good news / good teaching coming in the future.

Dear M. Camoin can be see as the one bringing the solution the illusions in the shape of a teacher (V – Le Pape) and looking XVII which could symbolize a new hope or him coming to help people.

Funny to see how the fist three cards are all representing two persons. Enchained in the first one, beheaded in the second one and coming back to life in the third one.

If there’s a English speaking forum, I’d be glad to moderate it ;)
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Messagepar Rafaël » Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:37 pm

Hi Paul,

If there is a need for translations, I do volunteer too.
Have fun and welcome to the club,

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Messagepar Paul » Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:45 pm

dorian a écrit:Hey Paul !

Nice to see some Americans over here !

Nice to be welcome. I promise to not speak in loud tones, to not demand ice in my water, to not wear American flag clothing, and for god's sake no white tennis shoes! :oops: I am also not fat. My only unavoidable stereotype is being monolingual, but at least I won't shout "Do you speak ENGLISH here?!" to kind French people. :wink: (I have hopefully whispered the question here.)

Looks like the camoin method is spreading all around the world. Did you use the Rider-Waite decks in the past ?

Yes, the method is travelling, but very discretely, and nothing public in English. I understand that is how M. Camoin wants it. I look forward to his book.

Many, many moons ago I used the Rider-Waite decks--I started reading in my teenaged years. I am now 38. In those years there were no Marseille decks to be found anywhere in the USA. The Grimaud company was the primary manufacturer, and we just didn't get the decks here. Now, Marseille decks are in Borders! The Camoin/Jodo deck could be publicized here as well, but it would need a book with it to explain to Americans how to read it. They have been saturated with the Rider-Waite, both in decks and in books.

I was highly dissatisfied with the Rider-Waite from the beginning and longed for the original Tarot that I saw in books-- the Tarot de Marseille. I saw the Rider-Waite as a distorted deck, and also a peurile deck made for babies who needed cartoon pictures on their Minors.

But, alas, there was no Internet at that time. So, would you believe I drew my own Marseille deck when I was 13 years old? It was a brutish and clumsy creation.

Is the Marseille deck very used in english speaking countries ?
For a long time it was invisible. The Marseille deck was eclipsed by the Rider-Waite and Crowley decks, both made by British gentleman of the Golden Dawn Society. For once, we Americans were not responsible for mucking up something. We only saw the Marseille decks in books pictures. The US Games company took over the Tarot market and then basically demanded that all Tarot decks must use Rider-Waite or Crowley imagery for their protoype, or else the deck would not be marketable.

Even now, the Italian company Lo Scarabeo puts out clone after clone of the Rider-Waite and Crowley decks. They breed like bunnies. Lo Scarabeo at least published a Marseille deck facsimile, however.

But, the Marseille deck is making a resurgence in the US, due to the internet. There are now a a plethora of English-speaking websites devoted to reading with the Marseille deck only. The big push now is to get English-speakers into reading with the Marseille deck without placing Rider-Waite or Crowley deck visual overlays on the cards. So, not imagining Rider-Waite distortions when one is using the Marseille deck.

I think if Jodorowsky's book (and soon Camoin's book) were to be translated into English, they could spearhead a major Marseille deck resurrection in the western countries. The soil is ripe, indeed.
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Messages: 262
Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

Messagepar skip » Tue Feb 19, 2008 12:50 am

Hi Paul-

It's great to see another American on the forum!

You are not alone.... :wink:

I have studied the Tarot with Philippe for a few years, was lucky to attend a workshop in Tokyo. Now I work with him as his interpreter when he teaches Japanese students.

So now here we have two Americans, I think that is a quorum! :lol:

anyway glad to see you here,

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...360 forum

Messagepar Avatar » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:45 pm


Very nice to see you there! I was wondering about you, hope you´re not there only here to say hello and byez!

You´re welcome Paul, for the moment we’re French-Spanish and waiting for the Italians. I wish we will found a 360 forum…I believe the world is ready for us! ;D

You may have a look at the beginning of the Forum, you will see all the different languages that Camoin have been prepared for us, maybe you´ll be the first to inaugurate the English forum!! ;D

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Messagepar skip » Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:06 pm

Hello, Sr. Le Diable!

I saw you on the Spanish board (and here), glad you are participating too!

please give your dog (was it Cerberus? :wink: ) a hug for me.

And, if you haven't noticed yet, as of today a lovely English forum has been created for us.

it's thanks to you, Paul!

(et grace a toi, Philippe :) )

best to you all,

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ancien élève
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Inscription: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
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