

Messagepar oide » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:41 pm

what about my professional life?


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Re: job

Messagepar oide » Wed Feb 09, 2011 6:52 pm

I have repeated tthe questions because some things have changed...I'm very confused
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Re: job

Messagepar J.Roberts » Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:42 am

Let me begin by paying you a compliment. You used 3 cards in your spread. Three cards are all that is necessary to answer any question. Less is more. Too often I see people using many cards, and this creates more confusion than clarity. Now, rather than me telling you what these cards mean, why don't you tell me? Since you are on this forum, you must be a student of tarot. So, tell me what the cards mean and why.

J. Roberts
Messages: 4
Inscription: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:48 pm

Re: job

Messagepar oide » Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:56 am

This a camoin method forum, so It wasn't my intention to USE three cards...It was the electronic system
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Inscription: Tue Dec 21, 2010 6:31 pm

Re: job

Messagepar Paul » Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:21 pm

Hello Oide:

Yes, by using the Camoin Method, you have drawn three cards and by synchronicity, all are upright. Per the Method, there are no outside gazes to follow; nor are there any reversed cards to solve. More cards would have been drawn (by you doing the Method manually or by the randomized system) if necessary according to the rules of the Method.

Context is helpful with any question. The more specific the question, the more specific the answer. Are you looking for an outomce answer? Guidance? How things are developing? Where to concentrate your energies?

In any event, all 3 cards are upright. Le Bateleur is one of the cards that can most definitely mean employment. He is upright in the future, gazing at the people in VI. Le Pape can signify teaching, mentorship, leadership. Thus, as the cards interact here, Le Pape can signify leadership/guidance/teaching of people/students/subordinates (VI). VI can also be negotiations; therefore, if there are negotiations at work with an organization (V), they are indicated as positive. V can also be an educated professional-- as way of association in medieval times, the church handled the educational system, thus the symbolism. So, V can signify you collaborating with people VI positively. But as you can see, I do not wish to propose everything under the sun, here. Instead, we can focus on the cards as they stand in the context of what you have revealed. In this case, we have "positive" as you would frame positive.

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Re: job

Messagepar J.Roberts » Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:52 pm

Hi Paul and welcome to the discussion:

My attempt was to have Oide rely on his own resources, and to make an effort to see what the cards were saying. However, it seems that giving him a freebie was more important. That is fine, but it is not my style. Now, on to the Camoin Method. I realize that they use "outside gaze, and solution cards", but this is not always necessary. For example: Yesterday, just after Mubarak announced he was staying in power, I asked the Tarot, "what will be the outcome for Egypt in the next 3 days?" I like to use very specific questions or no question at all. The card that came up was the King of Cups Reversed.
The message was clear. Within 3 days, the King (Mubarak) would lose his throne. No outside gaze card was necessary. No solution card was necessary, because sometimes in life there is no solution. Sometimes the KIng just has to lose his throne. This morning it was announced that indeed, Mubarak is no longer the ruler of Egypt. One card eloquently told the story.
Messages: 4
Inscription: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:48 pm

Re: job

Messagepar Paul » Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:34 pm

Hello J. Roberts:

I appreciate your point that there is value in various styles of draws. Inarguable.
I am not a moderator and perhaps should defer this response to such a person, but I might respectfully reiterate that this forum is specifically for the explication of the Camoin Method-- consequently, there is a computer generator which generates readings according to the rules of that method, or one may generate a reading manually and manually enter the tableau. I risk sounding patronizing by offering this analogy, so please forgive me ahead of time, but it would be like me newly attending a Basic French Cooking class that has been going on for awhile, but then asking fellow students why they don't just Americanize the recipes a bit here and there. :wink: That being said, as Phillipe clarifies in his introductory written material on this site, one may use alternate spreads/Minors to clarify answers. More than once, I've drawn one card for an answer. But the richness of the Camoin Method is lost with one card or other static spreads; ergo, this forum.

When not analyzing a reading, we also explore the meanings of the specific cards/symbols.

Best regards, :)
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Re: job

Messagepar J.Roberts » Sun Feb 13, 2011 9:17 pm

Hello Paul, and thank you for your reply.

You state that the Camoin forum is "specifically for the explication of the Camoin method." Fair enough, but I did not realize that to mention another viewpoint was not allowed. Ok, so be it. However, before I take my leave, you might wish to consider this: From my perspective results are more important than method or dogma. When I look at the interpretations of spreads on the English forum, they seem vague, and rather general in nature. Often the reader is asking for more information, in order to come to a conclusion. So, perhaps the method is strong, but the application is weak.
Messages: 4
Inscription: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:48 pm

Re: job

Messagepar Paul » Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:31 pm

J. Roberts:

Indeed, we take our pleasure or our leave, at will. But, allow me to say that it was not my intention to usher you out of the theatre, so to speak, nor would it be my prerogative.

Perhaps you will find the Camoin Method and this forum to enrich your Tarot knowledge and practice. When mastered, the Method promises and delivers precision of interpretation; but the Method does not offer parlor tricks of fortune-telling wherein we shock & awe the querent with our prescience (I acknowledge that I herein exaggerate to make a point)-- rather, the synchronicity and precision of interpretation is a "marriage" of the patterns of interactions of the cards/symbols according to a science of rules inherent to the Tarot as revealed in the Tarot de Marseille, coupled with collaboration with the querent. (I note above that you wished for the querent, who originated this thread, to collaborate with you, as well.) :)

As for analyzing les tirages per the Method, I invite you to stay, learn, and participate sharing your own impressions and interpretations of patterns using the rules explicated by M. Camoin on this site, as well as your own experience and knowledge of Tarot symbolism. There are alumni here, as well, and feel free to enjoy their enriching insights.

As you intimate, a method is as a method does. Give it a try! 8)

Best regards,
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Re: job

Messagepar Paul » Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:37 pm

Hello Oide:

How's that context coming?

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Re: job

Messagepar oide » Mon Feb 21, 2011 12:57 pm

Hello, paul,

thank's for the answer. You are right when you tell about teaching, because I teach . I 'm an assistent of a doctor, but I work only once a week with him ....And I teach in a professional school but only few hours , about 50 in a year.
The doc has promised me to engage , but it is so much that I wait....I think he will not keep the promise...:(

the question is :

why the doctor doesn't engage me?
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