The querent is a medical doctor in training (called a "medical resident" in the USA). This resident has experienced tremendous abuses of the department and the director, which may result in the ending of his career before it has started. He is grieving the problems via a long, written Magnum Opus letter, which is presently in progress. Heretofore, he has never been so bold in his rebuttal to the department "demigods" who have been abusing him, but this is the Last Stand. He is going above and beyond the department to "higher" people because the department has abused him in isolation to this point.
His question is, "What will be the result of the grievance process?" The hope is to salvage either the residency or get another one.

If I use the Optional Laws, then I will follow the handle of La Roue and see what turns the wheel; this then opens up new information.
