Method Question - Futurology questions

Method Question - Futurology questions

Messagepar Paul » Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:12 pm

Helo all:

I have a Method question; any input would be helpful.

When we ask “futurology” questions, “will such and such happen,” of course such questions are passive. When the first row of cards are upright and confirm the answer by the imagery or meaning of the card, in the Future position, then we may often say “Yes, such and such will happen.” But, sometimes, that last card (Future) is reversed, and a solution card and perhaps other gaze-cards following those regards follow.

It seems to me that the answer is sometimes, “No…and here’s the advised response”. But, I’ve seen readings where the answer is, "Not exactly (reversed card in the Future)…and here’s how it develops”.

Has anyone appreciated this? And, what’s been your experience telling the difference between No and Not Exactly.

One of my teachers who taught me the method said that generally with Futurology questions, we pay special attention to the first row, but we are not religious about this of course. In other words, our desired future may happen after we solve some problems. Generally, a reversed card in the Future position indicates some problem, which may only be a delay or caution. I guess I bring this up, because at times, the Future position card is reversed, indicating No, and it would seem rather easy (too easy :?: ) to then see our desired future in the solution cards, rather than those solution cards being the advised response to the undesired future. Did I make any sense? :shock:


Best regards,

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Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
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Re: Method Question - Futurology questions

Messagepar Paul » Sun Apr 20, 2008 12:20 am

I realized upon reflection of my question that my direct inquiry of the Camoin Method's mechanics would perhaps be more suited for Alumni forums, of which I am understandably officially precluded, until M. Camoin comes to the States. :wink:

Although I would certainly welcome any input, I understand if I need to continue to post real readings for elucidation of the Camoin Method.


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Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
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Re: Method Question - Futurology questions

Messagepar iñigo » Sun May 04, 2008 6:39 pm

Hello again Paul,

Sorry for responding so late... I have been very busy of late.

I´m Iñigo, an advanced student of Tarot and I´m one of the moderators for the site in Spanish. As Phillipe has not announced any wrokshops in the USA I will try to respond to your method question in his absence.

First of all, Tarot doesn´t "tell" you the future. Tarot is telling you the future from a present point of view. So it is impossible to know what is going to happen as there are infinite possibilites of human action. And it´s impossible to know all these possibilites. If you know of any clairvoyant who can tell you the future with certanity, give me his phone number (i want to know the lottery numbers!).

Regarding the upside down card at the end... This is not an absolute future. It´s a warnign of a possible future result. That´s why the Tarot usually always gives you a "correction" card. If the future reading of the Tarot comes true, this is because there was no human intervention in the problem-action and this almost never occurs. So the Tarot is a guide telling you waht "could be", not what "will be".

One recommendation: have you seen the film Minority Report? The protagonist talks about how things happen and how thigns can change with human interaction. This is a good explanation.

Second of all, Yes or No. What does Yes or No mean? If Yes or No means to say that your future is out of your hands and the Tarot seems to say Yes, then your only option is going to bed, not talking to anyone, and waiting for the future Yes to appear. It´s normal in Western Culture to look for a clear Yes or No answer but we have to consider the answer within a more profound strategy. You can see just a picture of this strategy. Many of the things you do don´t depend on you, they depend on a strategy much more complex.

Let me know if you need more explanations.

Best regards,

P.S. The future outcome to being positive or negative isn´t going to depend on the person considering that the problem-action would be positive or negative. In other words, what seems to be a Yes can turn out to open the door to a thousand opportunities, but a No can also result in other opportunities.
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 401
Inscription: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm

Re: Method Question - Futurology questions

Messagepar Paul » Sun May 04, 2008 7:20 pm

Thank you, Iñigo!

Yes, I agree. The idea of futurology and the Tarot is actually a misnomer. Indeed, Chaos Theory presents many bifurcations and possibilities within any apparent Order. We are only dealing in the realm of probabilities. In fact, even knowledge of a probable future is likely to perturb it, because we make ripple effects.

Notwithstanding, as many here at the forum ask questions, people often want to know about probable futures. So, this is the realm in which I am referring, of course. Indeed, I am thankful that the Tarot is not some fateful, fortune-telling device dooming us to one outcome or another. Because, even the outcome that we seek may not be "desirable" in the ultimate outcome. So, when I speak of that "final card," I am indeed still referring to probabilities and not absolutes. I would want it this way, anyway:
I am reminded of that Taoist parable wherein the Chinese farmer's horse ran away, and the villagers exclaimed, "How terrible!" The farmer said, "Perhaps".
Then, the horse returned of its own volition with seven wild horses in tow for free. The villagers proclaimed, "How wonderful!" The farmer said, "Perhaps".
The next day, the farmer's son was trying to ride one of the wild horses to tame it and broke his leg after getting bucked off. The villagers lamented, "How awful!" The farmer said, "Perhaps".
The next day, the conscription military came around looking for young boys for the army; the boy was lame, thus the military moved on. The villagers celebrated, "How lucky!"
The farmer said, "Perhaps"...

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Messages: 262
Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
Localisation: États-Unis d'Amérique

Re: Method Question - Futurology questions

Messagepar iñigo » Mon May 05, 2008 4:13 pm

Dear Paul:
I agree with u completely. Nice Taoist parable!!

U have to consider the level in which the person in front of u wants the tarot were read. Probably u r gonna find few people interested in knowin the reading in a "deep" or "awareness" way. As u said in somewhere, most probably the people wish to know "material facts", or the maniqueist yes or not to keep their consciousness calm . And maybe It could be better if u just satisfy their need to know a low level of knowing. It depends on u and the moment.
BUT, We have to avoid, absolutelly, the programming the brain-effect that sometimes the tarot has. Be careful about that!

keep in touch and thanks for ur commentaries about ur own experience with the grievance and ur conference and other readings!!

In a company, incomes or outcomes could be represented by the same mathematical graph.
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 401
Inscription: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm

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