new beginning

new beginning

Messagepar debora1211 » Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:15 am

Hello. Could somebody help me with this reading? It's about a relationship that has been going through a crisis and chances of a new beginning. Many thanks

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Messages: 5
Inscription: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:11 am

Re: new beginning

Messagepar skip » Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:38 pm

hi debora1211,

sure, happy to assist. what was the precise question you asked? also a few details of what is happening now would be helpful.
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Re: new beginning

Messagepar debora1211 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:27 am

Hi and many thanks for your reply. As I mention in my first post I would like to know the possible outcome of a quite difficult situation with my partner that has been going on for a few months. We have been together for quite a long time now and we have a very strong connection. However few months ago he told me that he is going through many changes and that he wants to free himself from any sort of ties in order to follow his personal process of growth. As a result our relation has changed quite a lot. It has been a very challenging process but on the other hand it feels like our personal connection has become deeper. It is not longer about being a couple but about being two individuals walking next to each other and discovering life. It seems that whenever I can free myself from my fears and expectations everything starts to run smoothly again. However I feel there are quite a few hidden conflicts between us. Also our intimacy has been quite compromised by the whole situation. It is a quite difficult situation to explain as there are many issues involved and I feel very confused by the ups and downs we have been going through in the last months. I have asked in fact about the possibility this whole situation could lead to a new beginning with him or it is more like a dead end road. My question was also done in relation to the possibility of renewing the more intimate aspects of our relationship. I feel many times a sense of rejection that troubles me quite a lot as I do not understand if it is just part of a very complicated process of growth or it is a sign that this relation is in every sense coming to an end.
I hope this can help you better with your interpretation of the reading. As I told you I am quite confused and I often fear to get stacked in my own illusions. Please let me know if you need to know more details about my situation with him.
Thank you
Messages: 5
Inscription: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:11 am

Re: new beginning

Messagepar skip » Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:51 am

debora1211 a écrit:I would like to know the possible outcome of a quite difficult situation with my partner that has been going on for a few months.

Hi, thanks for the clarification. I am assuming the above as your precise question. The exact wording can often be crucial, but this gives us a lot to go on.

The cards in this spread are fascinating, as they show exactly what you described: a man going through a period of internal/spiritual change, a sort of existential crisis (V Le Pape reversed). The solution row shows success in this endeavor (VII Le Chariot) and a new beginning (XX Le Jugement, which depicts someone being reborn into a new phase of life).

So it looks very good for him, although he has issues he must face in the present (the reversed card representing him is in the present position). And the Tarot says that you are doing well in the relationship (III L'Imperatrice upright, looking at your man), and that there is nothing you need to fix or do differently.

Except to be patient. The last card, Temperance, gives two messages simultaneously. One is that Heaven looks favorably on the situation, that is, that all is unfolding as it should and unseen forces are already there bringing support, and the other message is one of patience and compassion, to give him space for him to become the next higher version of himself. Also to be compassionate with yourself and the fears that come up: in this case, the Angel happens to be looking down toward the Lion in the card to the left, which represents your lower or ego-based self. That part of you is fear based and wants to control things and make the relationship go the way it wants. The card XI La Force says that your task is to keep that part of you in check, as there is another part of you that trusts the process and sees the value of your partner's soul searching (the woman in XI La Force looking back at the angel).

To conclude: the possible outcome you asked about is shown by the two cards on top and the two cards on the right: a man looking at an angel and a woman looking at an angel. If you trust both of your higher natures, you will each deepen the bonds not only with each other but with your own connection with the Divine.

My sense is that your partner will emerge with a new level of clarity and vision in the not too distant future, and be very grateful for the understanding and space you generously gave him.

good luck
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ancien élève
ancien élève
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Re: new beginning

Messagepar debora1211 » Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:12 am

Thanks Skip. Your words are very enlightening. There has been a quite intense discussion between us about the concept of love and how ego based fears and illusions condition our life. I know that there is still a long way to go. And I think it is very truth that one of the biggest challenges I have, it is to learn patience and compassion towards myself and the other. There are other questions coming in my mind now but I think that I am going to wait and watch the situation unfold a little more.

my best wishes
Messages: 5
Inscription: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:11 am

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