Outcome of legal matter?

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Outcome of legal matter?

Notapor Paul » Mon Feb 18, 2008 6:15 pm

Bonjour, please pardon my English in the French forum:

A psychotherapist in the USA has been subpoened (legally compelled to speak) in child-custody case for which he wrote an extensive report. The lawyer for the therapy company is making a counter motion to get him out of testifying on the stand. He will propose two options, 1. The testimony will be the therapist's written report, that is to say, he will not have to testify but will defer the court to the written report. Or, 2. The therapist will meet with only the judge. In the past, a year ago, the therapist escaped having to testify, but these people are persistent.

The question was, what will be the outcome of the company's counter motions?

...............................................:Tar05U: :Tar12U:
:Tar15U: :Tar19U: :Tar17D: :Tar11U: :Tar02U:

Here is my interpretation:

In the distant past, the therapist escaped a subpoena (XV-XVIIII; the children are freed from the neck binding). XV and XVIIII children also confirms the child custody matter is being discusssed.

But, the trial was continued for a year later. More information is being gathered to criticize either side of this dispute (XVII-reversed, jugs pouring more water into a seemingly incessant stream!!!!) One of the parties to the case has complained that the prosecuting side just keeps going on and on and on until he gets what he wants.

The solution for XVII-reversed is for the company lawyer (V) to make a countermotion or a reversal of the subpoena (XII, aptly illustrates this countermotion in Le Pendu who is hanging upside down).

As well, vertically, we have the hands of the woman on La Force out in the open and then moving to hidden in Le Pendu. The company lawyer wants to conceal the therapist. This is again a metaphor for the therapist being able to pull back on what he will have to do in court.

It would seem that the outcome is that the testimony (XI- hands on lion's mouth) is the written report (II-report in her hand). Looking at the beginning of line/end of line, XV is open, naked, and tongue-out to II with her mouth closed, concealed in clothes, and a veil. This may also confirm going from open testimony to closed testimony.

But, are we seeing what we want to see? As you may have gathered, the therapist would prefer to not testify and simply defer the court to his written report. These custody battles can be tiresome to say the least. The judge is a man.

Thanks in advance,


(PS) I have written M. Camoin about possibly posting such threads in an English-subforum.

{edited for discretion after first posting}
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Notapor skip » Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:20 pm

Hi Paul,

The Tarot seems to be speaking quite clearly, through Le Pendu and La Papesse, that the desired outcome of XII a "reversal" and II a written report (the book) will indeed be achieved.

Another interpretation I'm not so confident of: Le Pendu meaning not having to go (inaction, not going). In a question of wanting not to go, it sounds right to say "not going" will be all right, but I'm not as sure as I am of the above.

My wishes for the best possible outcome; I don't think you are only seeing what you want to see. You seem to be listening quite skillfully!

and don't worry about being on the French forum, I believe the English threads will easily be moved over to the new English forum intact.


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Notapor Paul » Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:28 pm

Voici la traduction dans le Français (Veuillez pardonner mon français imparfait):

Un psychothérapeute aux Etats-Unis a reçu une citation à comparaître dans l'instance judiciaire concernant la garde d'un enfant (le long combat pour obtenir la garde de leurs enfants) pour ce qu'il a écrit à un rapport clinique. (Je ne suis pas sûr comment traduire "child custody case".)

L'avocat pour sa compagnie fait un contrordre légal (je ne suis pas sûr comment traduire "legal motion") pour interdire le psychothérapeute du témoignage en audience publique. Il proposera deux options,

1. Le « témoignage » sera le rapport écrit du thérapeute ; c'est-à-dire, il ne devra pas témoigner mais reportera au rapport écrit. Ou,

2. Le thérapeute rencontrera seulement le juge. Dans le passé, il y a une année, devoir échappé par thérapeute témoigner, mais ces personnes sont persistant.

La question était, ce qui sera les résultats des mouvements légaux de la compagnie ?

Voici mon interprétation :

Dans le passé éloigné, le thérapeute a échappé à une citation (XV...XVIIII ; les enfants sont libérés du cou lier-- la loi de la Ressemblance). XV et XVIIII des enfants confirme également la garde d'un enfant est discutée. Ainsi, c'est un synchronicity. (la loi de la Répétition).

Mais, les poursuites judiciaires a été continuée pour un an après. Plus d'information est recueillie pour critiquer l'autre côté de ce conflit (XVII-renversé, ses cruches versent plus d'eau dans un ruisseau apparemment incessant (ruisseau de larmes !) :cry: , et c'est un problème car la lame est renversée). Une une des personnes dans le cas s'est plainte que le père de poursuite continue juste s'éterniser et dessus jusqu'à ce qu'obtienne il ce qu'il veut. :evil:

La solution pour XVII-renversé est pour l'avocat de compagnie (V) pour faire un contrordre légal ou une inversion de la citation à comparaître (XII, illustre convenablement cette inversion en Le Pendu qui est accrocher à l'envers). (La loi des Colonnes).

Dans la verticale, future colonne, nous avons les mains de la femme sur La Force de la dehors l'ouvert et puis en se déplaçant à caché en Le Pendu. L'avocat de compagnie veut cacher le thérapeute. C'est une métaphore pour le thérapeute transformant des mains ouvertes aux mains cachées. (La loi de la Ressemblance.)

Il semblerait que les résultats sont : témoignage (XI mains sur le lion bouche) est le rapport écrit (II rapport dans sa main). Regarder commencement de ligne/de fin de ligne, XV est langue ouverte, nue , et ouverte....(II-La Papesse) avec sa bouche à fermée, caché dans les vêtements, et un voile. Ceci peut également confirmer aller de ouvrez le témoignage à témoignage fermé. (La loi des Extrémités.)

Mais, voyons-nous ce que nous voulons voir ? Le thérapeute préférerait ne pas témoigner et ne pas reporter la cour à son rapport écrit. Ces poursuites peuvent être fatiguantes. Le juge est un homme.


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Notapor Paul » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:38 pm

Thank you, Skip, for the interpretation. :D

I was impressed with the clarity of the cards. They are not always so clear. I hope my French translation, such as it is, :oops: brings others to comment.
Merci, Skip, pour l'interprétation. :D

J'ai été impressionné par la clarté de ces lames. Ils ne le sont pas toujours compréhensible. J'espère que ma traduction en français :oops: amène les autres à faire des observations.

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Notapor Lux Ferre » Thu Feb 21, 2008 7:33 am

It took me some time to understand the case (which is a bit complicated and with very precise terms) but I think that everything lies in II (future).

We can see a women holding a book (report) alone in a private place (curtains closed).

My opinion is that only the report will be read and that he won't have to testify.

The counter-motion (XI) seems to work as the judge (V) don't want the therapist to move (XII).

I hope this interpretation will help you :)
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Notapor Zébulon » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:02 pm

Hey Paul welcome on board.

Just wanted to say that to achieve perfect alignement is easier with the blank card. Gotta play "where's Wally" on the smileys list. :o
Lol, just kidding. :D
It's on the left side of I (le mat) but's invisible.... and smaller than the other cards, so search a little with your pointer.

See you then.
Adrien Lamy
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Notapor Paul » Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:31 pm

Bonjour Adrien --

Thank you for the welcome. Also, I saw that extra card, but isn't it an "eyesore," as we say in English or, la horreur , or literally "Blessure sur les yeux" ?! It's distracting. But, I will try it. :)

I will post my next reading-- whatever that one may be for analysis-- in the English section, I think, to get that subforum some energy. I am glad that I will enjoy your input.

I have been making an effort on the French forum, posting en Français. I am learning French, with the goal to be able to hold a basic conversation by 2009. I appreciate the opportunity to practice French on a forum, but I must say, I am then publicly making mistakes, so it is embarassing, too. :oops: :oops: :oops: But, I hope to be able to travel to France in my lifetime and not speak a word of English the whole time!!!!

Feel free to post in the English section now and then so that I can "take a stab" at the reading, too.


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