Personal earthquake in 2012?

Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar Autumn leaves » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:17 pm

:Tar04U: :Tar11U: :Tar16U:
:Tspace: :TppfEN:

This year's been a tremendous year for personal growth, although very challenging. It definitely feels like a "practice year", something I've never felt before, and I reckon 2012 will be a big big year for me. Priority n° 1 is to change jobs. I also met someone through work, and while we only talked, there was a deep connection, however I don't know if he's single and if I will ever see him again. Feel I could even be moving house. What can you see?
Autumn leaves
Messages: 10
Inscription: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:06 pm

Re: Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar skip » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:19 am

Hello A.L.,

two things: first, it is not a full reading, there seem to be card(s) missing if this is a Camoin spread.
second, I also do not see what question you asked.

It's hard to tell without either the question or the full answer to respond to! ;-)
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ancien élève
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Re: Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar Autumn leaves » Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:36 pm

:Tar03U: :Tar17U: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tar20D: :Tar14U: :Tar16U: :Tspace: :Tar08U:
:Tspace: :Tar10D: :Tar21D: :Tar06U: :Tar15D:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :TppfEN:

Ok, don't know what went wrong, had copied the whole spread as far as I was aware - sorry!
Here's a new one then. The basic questions for 2012 are: will I change jobs and will I start a relationship with the man I met?
Autumn leaves
Messages: 10
Inscription: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:06 pm

Re: Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar skip » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:05 am

Hi again,

Each spread is in response to one question, so it is very important to choose your question and then do the spread.

Here I see one spread and two questions. Did you have one clear question in mind when you called for the spread? If not, perhaps it is best to start again.

Remember also that how you phrase the question is important. For instance, if the question is "will I change jobs?" you will get one kind of answer, and if you ask "should I change jobs?" or "what kind of job should I change to?" you will get another kind of answer. I prefer to ask questions that own rather than disown power, so I tend to avoid questions asking what will happen to me in the future, in favor of looking for clarity on making good decisions.

So, my personal favorite kind of question is the "how can I best...(bring something I want into my life)?" type of question. "Should I...." questions are also great when you need to make a decision, just remember that it needs to be "should I do A?" rather than "should I do A or B?", because the latter is actually two questions, which would need to be looked at separately. And by "should" I always mean: is it for the good of all concerned?

Sometimes the arriving at a question is the most important part!

good luck,
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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 50
Inscription: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
Localisation: Tokyo/Lisbon/Paris

Re: Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar Autumn leaves » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:01 pm

Here we go then, third time lucky 8)
How best can I bring a new satisfying job into my life?
:Tspace: :Tar06U: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tar13U: :Tar09D: :Tar17U: :Tar20U:
:Tspace: :TppfEN:
Autumn leaves
Messages: 10
Inscription: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:06 pm

Re: Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar skip » Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:42 pm

Hi A.L.,

The outlook is good for a new job, in the future position is Judgment upright, which describes a new start or good news.

One key to making that future transition smooth is, according to the Tarot, making peace with your past. Actually the kneeling woman in the Star goes further than merely accepting, she has found everything she can to be grateful for what was, and is both pouring forth her appreciation and letting go of any unexpressed feelings. So that is where I could start, so that you have no more attachment to how it was in the past and will be open for the next opportunity when it comes.

The process of change can sometimes be swift and sudden (like in XIII), and sometimes it is an internal process that takes time and is not always comfortable (the Hermit reversed). But the solution of the Lover here suggests on one level that nothing happens by accident, and on another level, it may be a message to you about HOW you can find that next job.

The Lover depicts two ways to get messages: one is to talk to lots of friends, and let them know you are looking. That's the level of the people on the bottom. Another level is to ask the angels. Your solution card and future card both depict angels bringing their blessings. This can come in the form of ideas that occur to you as inspiration (VI), and so it is probably a good idea to be on the lookout for such messages, that either appear in your mind, or come through the mouths of friends. Or even strangers—the "angels" can use lots of different ways to get their messages to you.

Anyway sounds like your next job will come to you in some surprising or magical way—so be on the lookout for it!

best of luck and best wishes for the year end and the new year!

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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 50
Inscription: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
Localisation: Tokyo/Lisbon/Paris

Re: Personal earthquake in 2012?

Messagepar Autumn leaves » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:48 pm

Hi Skip,

First of all, thank you for your patience.

Thanks for your reply, which I find very revealing. I'm actually going through a process of making peace with my past, in order to start afresh. At the same time, I've become increasingly intuitive and received several messages from "angels", celestial or otherwise. So I'm reassured that I'm moving forward, making space for something new and more satisfying.

Will let you know how I get on...

Thanks for your wishes. Merry Xmas and may 2012 be a beautiful year.

Autumn Leaves
Autumn leaves
Messages: 10
Inscription: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:06 pm

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