I'd like some perspectives about the following reading I did; the querent is an out-of-work musician. I should say more accurately that he has multiple ways of earning money, but is presently economically strapped. His question is "should I get a piano playing job at the neighborhood restaurant?" The restaurant is fancy and expensive, and also doubles as a chapel for weddings and wedding parties.
Here is the spread:

When describing the situation, it turned out that he included in his thoughts of "piano playing job" both the ideas of playing solo and as an accompanist for a singer who often performs with him, including at weddings.
I neglected to have him specify which he had in mind when he asked the question, so I decided to read for music in general, and look for any clues to whether the tarot spoke of instrumental or singing.
What I see is: a man without a job and this is a problem; then some very positive indications in the present and future. Success and abundance? So initial prognosis is good.
Then I wondered about the solution rows. I was not able to give a clear message about the middle row. However, I did observe that Arcanum XIII speaks of music and is a solution.
My question is how to read the last two cards. I saw the open-mouthed lion as possibly indicating the singer, and then wondered how to read Temperance. The keyword "patience" for Temperance might be indicating "not yet, wait; be patient"; then again it might be the angel smiling on the idea of including the singer.
Later on, it also occurred to me that "to temper" also means to tune a piano. Is this too much of a stretch? What troubles me is that the pianist otherwise has very little reinforcement in the cards of a literal keyboard. I have heard it imagined that the platform in front of the charioteer in Le Chariot can be like a keyboard, and perhaps Le Bateleur as well.
In the end, I didn't feel that the tarot was shouting "Do it!" to the high heavens, although it seems clear that this man's economic woes may soon be over (XXI and XVI). Some sort of cleansing or transformation (XIII and III) seems to be in progress, so perhaps very soon when this period of stuckness ends, then he can take effective action.
Finally, I had an intuition; don't know if this is a normal way to read the cards, but it struck me that the two reversed cards were both the cards of a person regarding straight ahead at the here and now, neither toward the past nor the future. These two "present regard" cards have always struck me as being about seeing reality clearly, and I answered that "at present there is a problem seeing your own situation clearly", and that first he needed to meditate or observe more clearly what is truly happening in his life right now. (Still in intuitive mode,) I continued by saying that I felt that he would realize or discover something that would give him the answer he was looking for.
comments would be very much appreciated.
many thanks,