
Re: return

Messagepar grace » Wed Jun 02, 2010 1:24 pm

oops the last card didn't show, so here we go ag:Tar19U: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tar15D: :Tar14U: :Tar21U: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar20D: :Tar17U: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar05U: :Tar08D: :Tspace: :Tar16U: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tar13U: :Tar01D: :Tar07U: :Tar12U: :Tar09D: :Tar02U: :Tspace: :Tar18U:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar06D: :Tar04D: :Tar00U: :Tar03D: :Tar11U: :Tar10D:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :TppfEN: ain..
Messages: 1060
Inscription: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:36 am

Re: return

Messagepar grace » Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:17 pm

Hello. I was wondering if you would like to reply my question. i did post one a while ago.. the one just previous to this post.. thank you:)
Messages: 1060
Inscription: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:36 am

Re: return

Messagepar grace » Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:19 pm

i mean the post just above.:)
Messages: 1060
Inscription: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:36 am

Re: return

Messagepar grace » Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:36 am

Quel presage pour la fin de cette semaine?

:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar16U: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar11U: :Tar17D: :Tar06U:
:Tar18U: :Tar21U: :Tar03D: :Tar04U: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :TppfEN:
Messages: 1060
Inscription: Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:36 am

Re: return

Messagepar yann » Fri Oct 16, 2020 9:50 am


What omen for the end of this week?

The woman has a problem.
For the man, all is well. He looks at his wife.
The couple's energy is good.
This man and this woman are made to get along.
Does this woman lack courage?
Does she have a money problem? She has to make the right choices.
A relationship with a baby?
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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 4661
Inscription: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:43 am
Localisation: Paris

Re: return

Messagepar Analisa » Fri Nov 18, 2022 12:57 pm

Hello Yann, I hope you are well.
I found this reply from you after so long..coming back to this site with another name (at the beginning of this year) b/c I could never retrieve my pass either writing to the Admin many times, but never was replied to. So I opened this new one.

I was curious about what you wrote on this last reading..
Since I do not identify with the woman you described here for the reading, I believe that person had moved on and perhaps this is about his partner (then) and possibly now with a possible baby on the way at the time of this last reading when I pulled out those cards. .

Inigu who answered me at the time was very thorough, and although the cards showed I had great many chances to meet that person, truth is we never did, b/c I had no other options then like the cards showed - truly wondering why actually- at the time for he never replied me when I wrote even at the earliest.
I am truly wondering whether the - futur- could also be anytime even far away distant time, for time itself is extremely elusive for the least..
I still think of him especially from the beginning of this year ( not sure why) although I feel closer to another yet not in a relationship with this new person. Perhaps it is the reason why this new relationship isn't starting or evolving also, perhaps the fact being part of me is reminiscing on this unresolved past one and blocking it
Althoug though this new other person is caught with his work also having to resolve his past.

I am truly hoping you will read this, as it still matters to me..
Another point about this account when I visit several times now, it shows as if someone has signed in, very strange. Perhaps it is my ghost.. Or part of me..

Thanks all the same,
Enjoy your week end.
Analisa formerly Grace.
Messages: 180
Inscription: Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:49 pm

Re: return

Messagepar yann » Sat Nov 26, 2022 8:03 pm

Analisa a écrit:Hello Yann, I hope you are well.
I found this reply from you after so long..coming back to this site with another name (at the beginning of this year) b/c I could never retrieve my pass either writing to the Admin many times, but never was replied to. So I opened this new one.

I was curious about what you wrote on this last reading..
Since I do not identify with the woman you described here for the reading, I believe that person had moved on and perhaps this is about his partner (then) and possibly now with a possible baby on the way at the time of this last reading when I pulled out those cards. .

C'était peut être l'ambiance du couple cette femme qui à la tête retournée. L'homme et la femme regardaient la même direction.
Mais la femme ne regardait pas l'homme...Il y avait peut être une grande distance entre eux afin de construire un unique nid.
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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 4661
Inscription: Fri Oct 26, 2007 11:43 am
Localisation: Paris

Re: return

Messagepar Analisa » Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:26 am

Bonjour Yann, merci infiniment pour ce retour en m'exusant du delai pour le faire.

Je ne me rappelle pas ce dont a quoi je pensais a ce moment la, en dehors de ma question. Je n' avais personne auquel Je pensais en particulier.
Je me suis apercue que j'avais posee ma question en 2020..alors vraiment non, cela ne me parle pas, a moins que cela a repondu avec le meme etat d'esprit que j'avais alors en 2009 er qui etait en rapport avec cette question initiale et de la personne avec laquelle j' entretenais une correspondance a distance, et que je devais initialement rencontrer.

Je ne pense pas que je le reverrais mais rien n'est jamais impossible vraiment. Cela m'a laissee sans pouvoir cloturer et je me demande souvent ce qu'il est devenu. Par curiosite j'ose quand meme questioner le tarot a son sujet.
Est ce que le tarot voudrais me donner un message au sujet de cette personne d'alors il ya pres de 15 ans

:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar12U:
:Tar20U: :Tar09U: :Tar16D:
Messages: 180
Inscription: Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:49 pm

Re: return

Messagepar Analisa » Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:27 am

Quelles sont les possibilites de nous retrouver?

:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar06U: :Tspace:
:Tar11U: :Tar21U: :Tar01U: :Tar18U: :Tar03D: :Tar09U:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :TppfEN:
Messages: 180
Inscription: Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:49 pm

Re: return

Messagepar Analisa » Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:31 am

En attendant de vous lire, et si ce n'etait pas tout de suite vue que l'annee se termine Veuillez passer de mon moments pour cette fin d'annee avec beaucoup de Joie er repos. Merci encore

Analisa, - formerly Grace -
Messages: 180
Inscription: Fri Jan 21, 2022 12:49 pm


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