The fall season outlook

The fall season outlook

Messagepar evanlange » Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:19 am

Is this mix of jobs going to pay off as I hope?
:Tar12U: :Tar01U: :Tspace: :Tar19U: :Tar00U: :Tar21U:
:Tspace: :Tar06D: :Tar17U: :Tar20D: :Tar18D: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tspace: :TppfEN:
Messages: 21
Inscription: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:52 am

Re: The fall season outlook

Messagepar Paul » Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:09 pm

Hello evanlange:

The reevaluation (le Pendu, XII) of your jobs (Le Bateleur, I) is illustrated in the past. The disquiet of these multiple choices (VI, reversed) is illustrated, in which you have invested-- perhaps you have invested resources in these jobs, actually, as Le Toile (XVII) is pouring water on VI, reversed, and water can symbolize resources.

In the solution row, we have Le Mat walking away from a direct one-on-one connection (Le Soleil, XVIIII) to a wider array of choices (le Monde, XXI). Thus, it appears that this tirage is confirming that expansion of your horizons (XVIIII--> Le Mat ---> XXI) is the solution.

As mentioned, water may be a symbol of money in the Tarot. The two water cards in this tirage are Le Toile (XVII) and La Lune (XVIII), although there is limited water at the feet of the boys in Le Soleil. Le Toile shows an investment of resources, then La Lune, reversed. shows a possible limitation or leakage of resources (as the pond is limited by its borders as juxtaposed with the flowing river of Le Toile). Therefore, the solution row effectively uprights the issue of La Lune being reversed. However, even after the resolution of the solution, we still end up with an uprighted card showing a limited pond of water; this, this may suggest that these options will not bring you a flow of wealth, but will resolve an issue, perhaps stop a hemorrhage of resources (a leak).

If there are other options open to you, of which you have held back, then I would suggest that XVIIII--> Le Mat --> XXI suggests actually that there are wider solutions to consider.
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Re: The fall season outlook

Messagepar evanlange » Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:35 pm

Thank you, Paul. Very insightful. :^)
Messages: 21
Inscription: Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:52 am

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