U.S. Elections 2008

U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Paul » Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:57 am

Hello all -- please forgive me if I ask the Tarot too mundane a question, but for this American, ending the Bush-regime is very important!

I asked the Tarot "Will Obama or McCain win?" Of course, I have already committed a sin: I asked a compound question.
:( Notwithstanding, here is the reading:

:Tar13U: :Tar14U: :Tar12D:

God help us-- voting results delays! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Let me just add in one more shocked face here :shock: and some tears here :cry: and then some anger here :x for further dramatic effect !
(That felt good to purge my existential angst with my country!)

This is a case wherein technology has unintended consequences! We should go back to handwritten ballots.
In the past, we see a much divided and polarized Electorate (XIII). At present, a close race between the Red and Blue States (XIIII). Then, Le Pendu.
The solution is for a higher organization to break the stalemate or whatever issue stands in the way.

Alas! The candidate is still not revealed. :roll: This is my fault for asking my compound question. :oops:

Nonetheless, I know an optional rule is to determine the twin personages of La Maison Dieu. Perhaps bending the rules a bit, but following my intuition, I drew Minor Arcana for the Left of La Maison Dieu (to see that personage); and I drew a card for the Right of La Maison Dieu (to see that personage).

Left = Democracts ~ Obama.
Right = Republicans ~ McCain.

Those familiar with US politics will recognize "left...right" as well-known terms for the parties.

Left = Sept de Bâton.
Right = Trois de Bâton (reversed).

By the way, the wishful part of me thinks that Le Pendu's face has an uncanny resemblance to Obama; thus, I am fantasizing that Obama is uprighted by La Maison Dieu. :P
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Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar iñigo » Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:43 am

Hi again Paul:

the point about who will win the U.S. elections (whether Obama or McCain..we will acept your sin, hihihih)

Being away from our bias and subjectivities,the doubt (XII) about who will be the man occupying the whitehouse (XVI) next years it seems like The change (XIII) will receive more votes (XIIII facing XIII) than the other wing. Remember that the jugs resemble the boxes where you put your vote in. Mabye these votes become from the people unsure (XII).

Seven the baton for the left... taking the power, right?

I don´t know if something is gonna change, but I am sure that politics are gonna change.

Best regards
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 401
Inscription: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm

Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Danette » Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:03 am

bravo et felicitations a l AMERIQUE..!!!!!!!!!
Bonne chance à Vous.................!!!!!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D
Si tu veux vivre heureux, promènes-toi avec 2 sacs, l'un pour donner, l'autre pour recevoir. (proverbe Chinois)
Une erreur fondamentale réside dans la croyance que le tarot sert à prédire l'avenir.
Alexandro Jodorowsky
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Lehann » Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:32 am

Yeeeeees !!!
So happy and so glad to see Obama president !
Congratulations to you, Paul, and for all your country !
:mrgreen: Yes, we can ! :mrgreen:
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Inscription: Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:56 pm

Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Paul » Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:11 pm

It was a landslide! (la victoire écrasante)

Yes, Obama said it last night, "America's strength is not in its military might around the world or the size of its wealth, but in its ideals." I am proud that my country idealized that correction of abuses of power would be necessary and prepared a system of checks and balances. We have for now corrected the abuses of a conpiratorial regime (and so eloquently and definitively). As well, in this election cycle, we proppeled dramatically past racial and gender barriers. This is the magic of America: That magic can be horrible, but also magnificent.

Well, I hope we earn back the respect of our European and international friends; in time. :D
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar iñigo » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:07 pm

But we have to consider that the state is just one of the actors that nowadays are important in the space of the politics

Now It is the time for The Softpower: seduction power, atraction power!
Our reading was correct then?
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 401
Inscription: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm

Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Paul » Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:40 pm

iñigo a écrit:Yes;
But we have to consider that the state is just one of the actors that nowadays are important in the space of the politics

Now It is the time for The Softpower: seduction power, atraction power!

I would love for you to expand on this thesis!

Our reading was correct then?

Yes, back to the reading, then. I would have to say that La Maison Dieu represented the landslide victory over the nail-biting tension (XII) leading up to the event in America as a whole with such a tense campaign. In America, there was a sense of exhaustion with the campaign back-and-forth battle.

So, I propose here a Camoin Method mechanics question: In this case, the "Solution" card to XII appears to be the answer to the question, essentially the Outcome. Rather than it "solve" the problem of the possible outcome of "lack of clear winner" (XII), it in fact signalled a very clear winner as a solution to the previous tense campaign environment in the USA up to this point.

I bring this up, because it would seem in the Method, that the Solution card is sometimes an Outcome card.
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar taek » Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:57 pm

Hi Paul,

I was puzzled to learn that , when Mac Cain's plane was shoot down during Vietnam's war, he had his 2 arms broken as well as one knee...Doesn't it look like the 12 to you?

Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Paul » Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:05 pm

Hello Taek :D

Yes, he really does. And, even metaphorically, McCain was "wounded" going into the final election weeks. He was considered impotent, especially due to his pick of Sarah Palin.
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar Paul » Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:46 pm

This was a reading of "this or that"-- will this or that happen. Of course, the Camoin Method to my understanding likes single questions. However, in this case, the question was answered.

La Maison Dieu was above Le Pendu, reversed. Going into the election, there was one candidate compromised (McCain)-- this was a well-publicized fact here. The candidate that was energized and favored was Obama. La Maison Dieu's preeminence above Le Pendu, reversed, confirmed the preeeminence of Obama as the favored candidate. It was essentially saying, "the most favored one...the popular one (16)...wins".

Well, that's one view anyway.

Once again, single questions are better with the Camoin Method. In Horary Astrology, the astrology of answering a specific question by looking at a chart of the "birth" of the question, it works the same way: A single question, definitively described, yields a clearer answer. The question should have been, "Will Obama win?" or I could have said, "Will McCain win?"
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Inscription: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar iñigo » Mon Nov 10, 2008 11:10 pm

The metaphor about the Le pendu, is just a joke of the Destiny, because there are many things that don´t match if we consider this non elected person as the Le pendu.

Even we could say that probably he was in a bambu prison...but I repeat...that is a joke.
Paul a écrit:

So, I propose here a Camoin Method mechanics question: In this case, the "Solution" card to XII appears to be the answer to the question, essentially the Outcome. Rather than it "solve" the problem of the possible outcome of "lack of clear winner" (XII), it in fact signalled a very clear winner as a solution to the previous tense campaign environment in the USA up to this point.

I bring this up, because it would seem in the Method, that the Solution card is sometimes an Outcome card.

the clear winner comes across "in the solution card" I mean XVI and more accurate the kids leaving the house..., that is why I said that more details about the defeated are not important and just a superphlous and funny info.

ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 401
Inscription: Wed Jan 16, 2008 2:57 pm

Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar skip » Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:34 am

In the interest of appreciating the elegance of how the Tarot speaks, I am venturing to comment.

with the benefit of perfect hindsight, I think this reading gives us a powerful peek into the way the Tarot speaks.

I am inclined to take seriously the 'joke' about le Pendu suggested by taek and iñigo.

When delving into the abstract concepts suggested by cards, I notice I often miss the "elusive obvious"; in this case, the simple answer that the candidate known for having been a prisoner is reversed.

all the other cards reinforced the idea of Obama/change, as you have all commented.

Paul, I especially liked your left/right improvisation, which reinforced the idea that the power (Staff) would be held by the successful (7) one on the left, and that this time the one on the right simply did not have a powerful idea (the 3).

But as a case study to review, this is a great example that humor--or seeing with the eyes of a child--can be a window into how the Tarot expresses itself. No need to do the adult brain acrobatics, it can be very simple!

thanks for asking this question on the forum.

and hooray for the amazing clarity of the Tarot!

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ancien élève
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Re: U.S. Elections 2008

Messagepar taek » Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:08 pm

Hi Skip !

yes, I do agree with your opinion ! with my small experience, I have realized how important it is to read the tarot through the eyes of a child...or, how this child would depict a situation through pictures and designs... :D Also, it is true to say that , a small child, through its designs, is always expressing the main thing...

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