skip escribió:Hi Paul,
However, I would not usually read the Devil as truth telling; Skip
iñigo escribió:Dear Paul:
First of all, hi!, nice to hear from you. Im Inigo, one of the moderators of the forum.
It is evident that the resident has a large conflict with the administration of the hospital, clinic or whatever. This conflict is based on his lack of control of personality. don´t misundertand me, he doesn´t have a personality problem, BUT his personality doesn´t match with the mainstream of the hospital. We are similar in that our personalities tend to clash with hierarchical structure (Im talking about my phd thesis!). THis is reflected in the card of The wheel of fortune in the first reading u did.
The dean is controlling the people (see the Le Diable card), probably because he has his own intererests at heart.
In the second one u can see that involving a lawyer creates a unnecesary confrontation at the beginning of the process
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