question about music

question about music

Messaggioda skip » Sat Feb 14, 2009 12:49 pm

Hello Everyone,

I'd like some perspectives about the following reading I did; the querent is an out-of-work musician. I should say more accurately that he has multiple ways of earning money, but is presently economically strapped. His question is "should I get a piano playing job at the neighborhood restaurant?" The restaurant is fancy and expensive, and also doubles as a chapel for weddings and wedding parties.

Here is the spread:

__________________________ :Tar11U: :Tar14U:
:Tar13U: :Tar03U: :Tar08D:
:Tar12D: :Tar21U: :Tar16U:

When describing the situation, it turned out that he included in his thoughts of "piano playing job" both the ideas of playing solo and as an accompanist for a singer who often performs with him, including at weddings.

I neglected to have him specify which he had in mind when he asked the question, so I decided to read for music in general, and look for any clues to whether the tarot spoke of instrumental or singing.

What I see is: a man without a job and this is a problem; then some very positive indications in the present and future. Success and abundance? So initial prognosis is good.

Then I wondered about the solution rows. I was not able to give a clear message about the middle row. However, I did observe that Arcanum XIII speaks of music and is a solution.

My question is how to read the last two cards. I saw the open-mouthed lion as possibly indicating the singer, and then wondered how to read Temperance. The keyword "patience" for Temperance might be indicating "not yet, wait; be patient"; then again it might be the angel smiling on the idea of including the singer.

Later on, it also occurred to me that "to temper" also means to tune a piano. Is this too much of a stretch? What troubles me is that the pianist otherwise has very little reinforcement in the cards of a literal keyboard. I have heard it imagined that the platform in front of the charioteer in Le Chariot can be like a keyboard, and perhaps Le Bateleur as well.

In the end, I didn't feel that the tarot was shouting "Do it!" to the high heavens, although it seems clear that this man's economic woes may soon be over (XXI and XVI). Some sort of cleansing or transformation (XIII and III) seems to be in progress, so perhaps very soon when this period of stuckness ends, then he can take effective action.

Finally, I had an intuition; don't know if this is a normal way to read the cards, but it struck me that the two reversed cards were both the cards of a person regarding straight ahead at the here and now, neither toward the past nor the future. These two "present regard" cards have always struck me as being about seeing reality clearly, and I answered that "at present there is a problem seeing your own situation clearly", and that first he needed to meditate or observe more clearly what is truly happening in his life right now. (Still in intuitive mode,) I continued by saying that I felt that he would realize or discover something that would give him the answer he was looking for.

comments would be very much appreciated.

many thanks,
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Re: question about music

Messaggioda Paul » Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:09 pm

Hi Skip:

First, let me say, that it is a pleasure to co-analyze someone's reading on the English forum. :D

I see XXI-Le Monde and XVI-La Maison Dieu as a syncretism of many things you mentioned about the restaurant itself “fancy/expensive (XXI) ...chapel/parties (XVI)”. Those gold stones could be bread, as well. So, therein, I think the Tarot is confirming that the restaurant gig itself is a green light, because the cards are upright. I also say this because the nature of the querent’s question was about the particular venue, not the piano playing, per se. So, I looked for the venue first, because the piano as an instrument was an a priori assumption; precisely, he was not asking whether to play this or that instrument. Nonetheless, I can appreciate how we might expect to see a piano motif paired with images indicative of success or frustration. So, my mind went there, too! :D

Ahh. But, then we learn that there is some question about the nature of the gig. So, we have the instrument (XIII) in the bone of this card, which is not a piano, indeed, but categorically a "musical instrument". (However, just to beat a dead horse, I also thought, hmmmm piano keys may be made of bone.) But, back to our regular programming: XIII looks at IIII-L’imperatrice, who holds a microphone. So, I think we have confirmation of the music-plus-singer theory.

But, there’s an issue. :( She looks at La Justice, reversed. Perhaps, there will be a problem with how to divvy up earnings or how to write the contract. I say this not only because of traditional meanings of La Justice, but also because La Justice is above La Maison Dieu, in the vertical column, and XVI could now be doubling as a signifier of money.

I see this phenomenon occur with this method, when a card or an image on a card may signify one matter this way (e.g. horizontal), and show nuances when read in another columnar way -- hmmmm, did that make any sense?! :? This is also evident in the Present vertical row, wherein IIII-L'imperatrice is above a woman with a microphone (XXI), thus confirming L'imperatrice's identity as the singer. From this perspective, both women (XXI and IIII) hold a mic, which could be once more confirming her identity. I also note that one is standing, then one is sitting; or the microphone gets bigger. I think there's an intriguing optical analogy there perhaps signalling some issues with dominance in the gig, but I'll have to come back to that later. I could be seeing Jesus Face in a Tortilla on that one.

Solutions? He will have to be assertive (XI) with how the earnings are shared (XIIII), or assertively communicate his needs in the contract, so as to ensure a contract of goodwill, equanimity, and sharing. He should affirmatively ensure that all these matters are set in place before entering into the arrangement. Perhaps, he is typically of the temperament to let things like that “work themselves out,” as some artists are not shrewd businessmen. But, perhaps the Tarot advises shrewdness, precisely.

That’s what I see for now, at first glance. You had asked about other nuances to the reading.
I’ll come back to this one and savor it a one would slowly enjoy a melted Brie cheese on a baguette. O.k. that’s my signal that it’s time for breakfast. :!:
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Iscritto il: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
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Re: question about music

Messaggioda skip » Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:39 am

thanks for the suggestions about the middle row. And nice call about Le Monde and La Maison Dieu as describing the festivity and ceremonial nature of the venue!

Although the consultation is "over", I find myself still wondering about any messages I may have missed.

Luckily, since the querent is in Japan, there is very little possibility of an unfair setup in the business arrangement; performers are often paid separately, and rarely is anything left to chance in contracts. But the advice is duly noted.

Another issue that I did not mention is the association of Le Pendu with Arcanum XIII, which can indicate that there has been a problem with depression. In this case, clinical or deep emotional depresion doesn't seem to be a factor, although the querent did express great frustration with a sense he has withdrawn from the world, and expresses a desire to break free of certain limitations in his life - but with a sense of resignation, that for various reasons this is not possible right now. I pointed out that those emotions (of frustration and feeling thwarted) qualify at least a bit as depression.

Finally, I should also relate that subsequent spreads for clarity indicated that it was not yet time to act, suggesting that the card furthest to the future, Temperance, is indeed calling for patience.

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Iscritto il: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
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Re: question about music

Messaggioda Paul » Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:10 pm

skip ha scritto:Another issue that I did not mention is the association of Le Pendu with Arcanum XIII, which can indicate that there has been a problem with depression. In this case, clinical or deep emotional depresion doesn't seem to be a factor, although the querent did express great frustration with a sense he has withdrawn from the world, and expresses a desire to break free of certain limitations in his life - but with a sense of resignation, that for various reasons this is not possible right now. I pointed out that those emotions (of frustration and feeling thwarted) qualify at least a bit as depression.

Yes, I see. And, I have heard it said that in the Camoin Method one spread may be interpreted across multiple questions/frames. However, many querents want a new tableau. In the context of this nuance, L'Arcane sans nom certainly echoes the idea of disassembly and reassembly (well, more so disassembly, but reassembly is coming for the dismembered querent, anyway :wink: ). It would be interesting to re-interpret this spread in the context of the theme of depression/limitation/withdrawn/desire to break free/thwartation (and I don't think thwartation is really an English word, exactly, so I made it up).

skip ha scritto:Finally, I should also relate that subsequent spreads for clarity indicated that it was not yet time to act, suggesting that the card furthest to the future, Temperance, is indeed calling for patience.

Indeed. So, with this in mind, La Force moving to Temperance signifies "temper the impulse to act". But, it is conceivable that it would alternatively mean, "Act and then blend with the singer later," or "Act now, this is what is being blessed by the Angel." Thus, your subsequent spreads clarified any question there. :) I am also a proponent of drawing a card from the Minor Arcana to clarify a this-or-that conundrum, but I may be a voice in the wilderness on that one.
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Iscritto il: Fri Feb 15, 2008 9:12 pm
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Re: question about music

Messaggioda skip » Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:26 am

Hi Paul,

I like your made-up "thwartation" just fine. Although "thwartivity" comes in a close second. :)

I also appreciate the disassembly/reassembly reframe. "Dismemberment" sounds too gory, and disassembly hits the same notes without the implication of violence. When we are experiencing the transformation of L'arcane sans nom, especially when it is not reversed, I like the image of being sent back to the factory for disassembly/reassembly, say, to be retrofitted or upgraded to a new job.

The querent in question is experiencing the present Saturn-Uranus opposition* directly on his MC/IC axis; for those of you not versed in star cycles, the MC/IC represents the polarity of one's highest career aspirations (MC) with one's deepest psychological roots (IC). The theme of Saturn-Uranus is precisely one of limitation vs the desire to break free, and can show up as depression, withdrawal, punctuated by sudden bursts of impulsive, explosive expression of emotion.

So Paul, I think your observation is particularly apt, and deeper exploration may be in order.

I'm glad I made clear to the querent what seems to be an ultimately (and imminent?) positive outcome; however, it now seems more clear that there is inner work to do before that outcome can be achieved.



*The Saturn-Uranus opposition itself is a astronomical phenomenon, therefore universally corresponding to collective themes. The opposition hits exactly 180 degrees a several times between November of last year (2008) and July 2010 and stays within a 10 degree orb until August 2011. So everyone is experiencing this opposition, which often in the collective signifies societal polarization between progressive and conservative elements. For individuals, it emphasizes tension between a particular personal polarity, different for each person; for instance it could be the public vs. private persona (the querent), also known as career vs. home life; individual vs. group objectives; autonomy vs. interdependence; daily mundane realities vs. transcendent realities; and of course self vs. others.
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Re: question about music

Messaggioda Lux Ferre » Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:32 pm

Hi guys,

If we look at the words in the question : neighborhood and restaurant ; we can see that in XXI (women surrounded by friends (neighbors)) and XVI (the house (maison) where people have fun).

So I would say yes for the job.

The solution up high is at the basis a solution for the past which is maybe still available at the moment ; the tarot could want you to say XI - XIIII to your consultant.

Hope this might help :)

@Paul and Skip : I'm really honored to be a part of your conversations :)
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