da Dominique » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:02 pm
Yes you are right, he is still "linked" and attached to this past relationship (card XV), so be careful.
He has to make a conscious step to get out of it and accept the separation.
Do you think that he is ready for that?
Now, you would like to ask another question, sure, but the question really has to be yours. So think about what you would like to know.
You can write down different questions, wait for a little while and then deccide which one sounds best to you?
Also, in a previous post, Skip has made very valuable comments on how to phrase a question, so here it is to help you:
Remember also that how you phrase the question is important. For instance, if the question is "will I change jobs?" you will get one kind of answer, and if you ask "should I change jobs?" or "what kind of job should I change to?" you will get another kind of answer. I prefer to ask questions that own rather than disown power, so I tend to avoid questions asking what will happen to me in the future, in favor of looking for clarity on making good decisions.
So, my personal favorite kind of question is the "how can I best...(bring something I want into my life)?" type of question. "Should I...." questions are also great when you need to make a decision, just remember that it needs to be "should I do A?" rather than "should I do A or B?", because the latter is actually two questions, which would need to be looked at separately. And by "should" I always mean: is it for the good of all concerned?
All the best