If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Shirama » Sun Dec 11, 2011 5:41 pm

Hullo everybody, just trying a BIG QUESTION, not an original one, I am sure, but I think it's a kind of question very important in life....

does he feel something more than friendship for me?

:Tar18U: :Tspace: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tar10D: :Tar09U: :Tar04U: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tar15D: :Tar00D: :Tar17U:
:Tspace: :TppfIT:

I am a woman, he is a man..................thanks so much to everyone trying to read this!!!! Take care!
Messaggi: 1897
Iscritto il: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 pm
Località: Viterbo

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Dominique » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:05 pm

Dear Shirama,

It is a BIG question indeed!! and I feel that obviously, if you are asking it, it is because you have some doubts about his feelings? Correct?

And the Tarot seems to be telling you that you are right to have some doubts.. why? Because at the present time we see a man (Le Mat) who instead of going towards this beautiful and generous young lady (the Star) is hesitating, looking at the Devil of the past...Do you know if he is free from his previous relationship?

It seems to me that he has to sort things out from his past, things that are a bit confused and not cristal clear.

What do you think?

Take care
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messaggi: 52
Iscritto il: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Località: Cannes

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Shirama » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:07 pm

good evening and thanks a lot Dominique!

You say (and you have seen) correct: I am asking because I am not sure....not only friendship..but not a love relationship....and yes, he is still "linked" (is the word right?) to his previous story. He is single, but this latest relationship hurt him really bad.....I think that energetically he is still attached to that memory...in fact he is afraid of love right now.

I'd like to ask one more question about it, but I am not sure which could be a right one....can you help me?

If you need any more information, please ask me! :D
Messaggi: 1897
Iscritto il: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 pm
Località: Viterbo

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Dominique » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:02 pm

Yes you are right, he is still "linked" and attached to this past relationship (card XV), so be careful.
He has to make a conscious step to get out of it and accept the separation.

Do you think that he is ready for that?

Now, you would like to ask another question, sure, but the question really has to be yours. So think about what you would like to know.
You can write down different questions, wait for a little while and then deccide which one sounds best to you?

Also, in a previous post, Skip has made very valuable comments on how to phrase a question, so here it is to help you:
Remember also that how you phrase the question is important. For instance, if the question is "will I change jobs?" you will get one kind of answer, and if you ask "should I change jobs?" or "what kind of job should I change to?" you will get another kind of answer. I prefer to ask questions that own rather than disown power, so I tend to avoid questions asking what will happen to me in the future, in favor of looking for clarity on making good decisions.

So, my personal favorite kind of question is the "how can I best...(bring something I want into my life)?" type of question. "Should I...." questions are also great when you need to make a decision, just remember that it needs to be "should I do A?" rather than "should I do A or B?", because the latter is actually two questions, which would need to be looked at separately. And by "should" I always mean: is it for the good of all concerned?

All the best
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messaggi: 52
Iscritto il: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Località: Cannes

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Shirama » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:14 pm

Thanks again Dominique! Yes, I think that he has to accept the end of his previous story in the deep of himself, not only with words.

What Skip wrote is really true: the good question is really difficult, because you can get different anwers according to the different questions... I have thought about it and this is the one that seems correct to me for this moment:

are my presence in his life and my attentions for him a good thing for him, do they make him happy?

:Tspace: :Tspace: :Tar10U:
:Tar13U: :Tar09U: :Tar06D:

Well, you expert will be able to read............and thanks again for your time and support.

Messaggi: 1897
Iscritto il: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 pm
Località: Viterbo

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Dominique » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:50 pm

Hi again,
Do you notice how the Hermit is again showing in your spread! and besides, at the present time, meaning that his is indeed going through the crisis of separation (arcana XIII).

And the lover card in the future is reversed, showing that it will take him a little while to recover from this love crisis...

Now to answer your question, I would say yes, your attentions are good for him.. but I feel that he may not always demonstrate it because he is too focused on his problems...However, the arcana X as a solution in the near future tells us that something unforeseen may happen and change "destiny" for the best.

Hope this helps!
Warm Regards
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messaggi: 52
Iscritto il: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Località: Cannes

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Shirama » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:00 pm

Well, that sounds nice, thank you Dominique.
Yes in fact sometimes I can't understand if he really likes my attentions, he says YES, but I doubt.....your words are now making things more clear.

So I trust in destiny!

Can I also ask, about this:

is it a good choice keeping in giving my attentions to him, in showing him my attentions?

:Tspace: :Tar06U: :Tar01U:
:Tar11U: :Tar03D: :Tar20D:

thanks once again, your words do help! Really!

Shirama :D
Messaggi: 1897
Iscritto il: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 pm
Località: Viterbo

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Shirama » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:01 pm

No Hermit this time! :mrgreen:
Messaggi: 1897
Iscritto il: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 pm
Località: Viterbo

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Dominique » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:00 pm


True! No Hermit.. :wink:

And the Tarot seems to be saying yes, your choice is the good one! (the Lovers is the choice and the Bateleur is a new start ...)

These 2 arcanas even come as THE solution to the bottom line in which we see two women, the woman of the past and the lady of the present - which I would say is you, but upside down...and why is she upside down? Because she is looking or thinking rather to the other woman, instead of looking at the future (is it true?)

You know the Lovers arcana is also telling you : follow your hart and do according to what feels right for you!


All the best
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messaggi: 52
Iscritto il: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Località: Cannes

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Shirama » Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:24 am

The meaning of the cards is a good one again! Thanks!

You're right Dominique, even if I do not realize it, I am thinking about this other woman, his "ex", because he is still so hurt by her that he can't love.

I thank you so much for your precious help...I will let you know if all my attentions will cause something good, a "new start". Hope so............

all the best! Happy Christmas to you!
Messaggi: 1897
Iscritto il: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:33 pm
Località: Viterbo

Re: If you can help,please....FALLING IN.....

Messaggioda Dominique » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:21 pm

Yes, let us know how it goes!
Happy Holidays Season.
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messaggi: 52
Iscritto il: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Località: Cannes

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