Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

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Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:34 pm

Désolé pour mon français ...
Il ya quelque temps, je connais un gars. Bien que je crois que nous ressentons quelque chose de spécial, nous n'avons pas parlé de ce qu'il ya entre nous. Nous sommes tous deux très timides. Il a voyagé pour travailler pendant deux mois, est resté en contact par e-mail et le même jour, il revint, il est venu me voir. Maintenant qu'il est devenu, je me demande si notre relation va prendre forme, nous dirons ce que nous ressentons et au fil du temps nous formalisons une relation.
J'ai demandé au Tarot
Comment évoluent nos relations?
Que pensez-vous?
Merci beaucoup!

:Tspace: :Tar06U: :Tar01U:
:Tar18U: :Tar15D: :Tar08D:
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:44 pm

il traverse l'océan pour venir te voir ?
Tu pose une question en rapport au couple et à la relation mais un problème avec le diable et la justice apparaît.
Est ce que cela te fait penser à quelques choses ?
Penses-tu que cette relation n'est pas raisonnable ?
As-tu des problèmes de travail ou d'argent ?

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:49 pm

Je suis impressionné. En effet, d'autres que de demander au tarot, oui, j'ai un problème avec certains avocats sur le travail et aller un peu ou très mal à court d'argent ....
Mais qu'est-ce que cela a à voir avec la question ...?
Et ouais, il a aussi traversé l'océan!
Je ne sais pas, mais ... J'ai également travaillé sur un projet par hasard certains de ses amis quand il était en voyage ... Je dis cela parce que si vous voyez ce qui se reflète dans le tarot ...

Je vais demander à nouveau le tarot, mais pas la même question, parce que nous avons déjà fait, une autre question sur la relation si nous obtenons les pistes ...

La deuxième question est: est notre relation va devenir un couple stable?
:Tar11U: :Tar01U: :Tar08U: :Tspace:
:Tspace: :Tar10D: :Tar19D: :Tar17U:
:Tspace: :TppfES:

En regardant les cartes ... ajouter les informations qu'il a mis fin à la carrière de la pharmacie et le voyage a été de travailler et d'obtenir le diplôme. Maintenant qu'il est de retour a commencé à travailler sur un support stable et avec un contrat à durée indéterminée dans une pharmacie.

Avec toutes ces pièces du puzzle ... Que pensez-vous les questions que j'ai faite au tarot?

Merci beaucoup ... et excuser mon français vraiment .... :roll: :|
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Mon Sep 06, 2010 6:57 am

il faut que nous comprenions d'abord quelle est la réponse du tarot pour la première question.
Car le diable est un message d'alerte.
Le tarot profites de ta question pour te dire des choses, mais peut-être en même temps il te répond sur ta question.
Est-ce que le projet avec ses amis est légal ?
Penses-tu que ce garçon est clair (safe) ou est-il un bad-boy ?
Es-tu en tort avec tes collègues, penses-tu au fond de toi avoir fait quelque chose que tu regrettes ?

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:01 am

If you prefer we can continue in english ...

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Mon Sep 06, 2010 12:12 pm

Hello! I think it's better in english.

So then, let's go step by step and let's concentrate now in the first question.

Thi boy, is a good boy (you never never know but I really think he's a good boy). There are two things, the first is that I'd noticed that he is a little bit gealous, and I also noticed that he doesn't feel very confortable about his apparence, I think he's very handsome but he doesn't think that. In fact, he's quite insecure. By the way he's younger than me, and I think that can make him feel quite lost about how to face this relationship... and also can make him feel like I am a WOMAN and he is just a BOY... he has just finish his studies and I'm an actress and I'm also the owner of a shop... His friend (a boy) who I worked with is very very handsome, and "my boy" has said a lot of times how extremly great and charm is his friend.... that job I did with his friend was as an actress.. and in one scene I had to kiss another actor... I don't know but if we plus the fact that he is gealous and also insecure and also that in his past he was betrayed by a girl he really liked with another guy... all this can make him fell quite blocked.
You have to know that we haven't seen us for two months because he was abroad, and we sent e-mails, the day he came back, after 23 hours travelling by plane that evening he wanted to meet me because two days after he was travelling again a week with his family, and he told me that he had one thing clear to do before leaving again, that thing was to meet me. And he brought me a present.... So... I think he feels something... don't you think....?

He's lucky because recenlty he has get a good job related with what he studied...
Now if I see the tarot cards... I feel like that devil can represent his fear or his gealosy... and maybe when he starts working (bateleur) he will feel more secure and that stage can make him recognise his feelings (lovers) and his fear (devil) and can make him take the desicion to "formalize" our relationship... and to say ok, let's finish this not knowing and let's say ok You are my girlfriend!
Well, well, welll.......JAjajaj it's really possible that this reading is potencied by my desire of have success in love with him, because... certainly I'm in loveeeee...Oh my god!! :wink:
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:21 am

Answering you at 13 :) !!

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:16 pm

you know tarot is answering about the questions you ask and the cards that are upside-down shows devil and justice.
The justice usually know the truth and put order in the mess, here the justice can be a woman who doesn't know.
The devil upside-down too is a kind of mental mess.

Do you think about this question that it's the mess in your mind?
Do you feel that you don't know what is fair or not yet?
Are you allready in couple with someone else (living in separate places) ?

You told me that at work, you are in trouble with lawyers, i think we have to look in the same time on this side of the question.
I think if you feel you did something wrong with these lawyers and with the law, that maybe you should dare to start negociations to try to solve the problem.

For your relationship question, i doesn't see the couple, but there is the lover.
In the same time, you told me he started a new job.
Do you think it will be impossible for him to start a relationship if he has to do the good choices about job ?

In the same time, "start to do the good choice(s)" should sound sensible to you too.
It's just a question :
Do you think you are deluding yourself or now it's different than in the past ?

It's really important that if you has problems actually with lawyers you should have a look on this point, because there is the justice upside-down.
For the relationship, i think it's possible a relationship can start if you are sure that it's not an illusion, that is fair, that is not just ****, and that there are really feelings of love in you ...

Tell me from what we are the closest, and we gonna try to find the solutions.
And it's really possible that i can be wrong ...

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:14 am

The thing about laywers:
A friend of mine and I are the owners of a photography shop that is next to the police building where people go to get their IDs and they need a small picture to get the official document. That's the basis of our business. Our problem is that there's a kind of complot because the policemen who are giving the information to the people tell them to go to another shop to get their pictures and we know that they do because thet get money in a secret way from the competence. The thing is that as policemen they CAN'T DO THAT! They have to give an objective information. And what they are doing is illegal. We have testimonials that can prove that and we have denounced by our lawyer.

The thing about the relationship:
It's true that for me this situation is a mental mess... that not knowing and feeling something for someone is terrible.
I've always have had the feeling that he feels something deep about me but, it's strange because yesterday we met and it didn't went as good as I wanted... nothing really happened but he has two aptitudes that made me think that he's quite selfish.
In fact when he went I got the feeling that something has broken... that that magic is gone... and that maybe this is starting to an end or maybe I'm too sensitive...
I'm quite sad right now...

Can you help me to know what's going on with him... I'm debating between putting my hopes on it, or inside of me begining to say goodbye to my hopes....
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:49 am

I'm sorry for my english ...
I don't know if to start the fight with a kind of mafia, is a godd choice and if you gonna win.
There is two swords, XV-VIII and they are upside down, i wouldn't even think to fight on this kind of low level.
Let gangsters with gangsters, even if they look like policemen ...
It's really dangerous to fight with demons XV.
The fight can occur on another level. Raise the level.
You can be pacific and make more business, if you leave this desire to force gangsters to act fairly.
The tarot warns you about it.
You should leave it, and i'm serious.
You can make better business with other means.
Maybe you can do the good choices at work, to increase your business VI + I.
Imagine, you let policemen tell to people to go in the other shop. But you put pacificaly, a sign on your shop, "ID photos", people can change their mind on the way, and stop before.
You can maybe make better business with something else... I don't know
Be more brave, more nice with people, speak in public to invite them in your shop, make sale, change your sign in the front, be sure you're enough visible.
If legally policemen can't refuse photos you make for ID, your weapon will be customers.
Finally it's them which make the last choice.

BUT do not continue this fight on this level. You won't teach a gangster to be polite, but you can FAIRLY make more business than a ganster.

For your relationship, what do you prefer ?
be upset before or after the relationship start ?
Be happy ! you don't have a dog, a child, a house, and friends together !
Your are upset just by your dreams, it's funny, no ?
Upset by something that didn't happen. It's the devil
Maybe you gonna be more happy tomorrow ... ?
Maybe you gonna meet someone with you don't need to do any effort ?
Someone you don't have to guess if it's gonna be good to be together or not. Because it will be allready good, to just spend time together, to have a coffee, to speak, before to say, "we are together".
Often people are together before being together, :) It's just obvious. Love is just obvious. And people knowsthat it won't be someone else.

Does it mean something to you?

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:39 am

Thank you to write!
I'm waiting to have a little free time to answer to you!!
I'll do as soon as posible!
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:38 am

Ok, now I can write.
First of all, thank you Shaolin for your nice attention!

About the business thing:
I agree with you, in fact my friend and I are thinking about doing things in order to be more visible like giving publicity cards to people in the street etc.. these kind of things.
About the lawyer, she is a friend and she's taking our case as a favor, she has a lot of work and she is not doing the things we ask her to do because our case, as a favor, is the last of the last priorities for her. That make my friend and I feel quite upset with her. We have decided to do it by ourselves and in that direction the only thing we want to do is to have a meeting with the boss, the higher responsable of the policemen and explain him the situation that has been happening during the last 6 months. And how can this situation be resolved. I don't think this meeting is dangerous, it's more (bateleur and lovers). What is true is that those policemen are like devils.... But we don't want to put ourselves in the same level, we even don't want to talk to them... for us they are just invisible. To talk with the higher boss, in a nice way, is the only we want to do. And looking up to the cards, I think that would be the only solution who can make that Justice be right.

About the relationship:
I also agree with you... I have to let things happen by spending time together. But my trouble is to think if I really have good prespectives with him. I was thinking to have a little talk to him next time in order to stop ignoring to each other what is happening. I don't want to ask him for anything. I just would like to tell him that we never talk about what's going on, and that it would be positive to verbalize the reality (not the ilusion of my feelings!) that is that we have been meeting for a long time (six months! wow!) and that long time can make us feel like this is starting to be serious and that can tense us, and the reality is that we are just continuing meeting the other and have good times when we are toghether. Shaolin, normally people who is not shy just need two months to be themselves... we need more time... we are not in the point of saying what we are. We need to spend time, but what I don't want is that our fear to talk could give us a strange dynamic, what in fact it's allready happening. What do you think? Do you think this can be related to the second question I did to tarot? :roll:

I'm curios Shaolin, are you a man or a woman?? :P
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:36 am

antonietes さんが書きました:Ok, now I can write.
First of all, thank you Shaolin for your nice attention!

About the business thing:
I agree with you, in fact my friend and I are thinking about doing things in order to be more visible like giving publicity cards to people in the street etc.. these kind of things.
About the lawyer, she is a friend and she's taking our case as a favor, she has a lot of work and she is not doing the things we ask her to do because our case, as a favor, is the last of the last priorities for her. That make my friend and I feel quite upset with her. We have decided to do it by ourselves and in that direction the only thing we want to do is to have a meeting with the boss, the higher responsable of the policemen and explain him the situation that has been happening during the last 6 months. And how can this situation be resolved. I don't think this meeting is dangerous, it's more (bateleur and lovers). What is true is that those policemen are like devils.... But we don't want to put ourselves in the same level, we even don't want to talk to them... for us they are just invisible. To talk with the higher boss, in a nice way, is the only we want to do. And looking up to the cards, I think that would be the only solution who can make that Justice be right.

I'm agree with you. The bateleur and lover, dare to speak and negociate, with a meeting of three.
But I don't know if in the cards there is the concept of keeping secret about corruption.
Devil upside-down, the problem to keep the secret (to hide) > thanks to lover, the devil in the right way up, keep secret.
Maybe you can try to speak in a nice way, maybe naively, without speaking about corruption.
I think he won't accept you tell him there are corrupted people in his office, if he know or not.
But in the same time the people of lover show their hands and not in the devil ....
Just speak as you feel, during the meeting, the lover is "the good idea" in the same time.
So I think you're on the good way.

antonietes さんが書きました:About the relationship:
I also agree with you... I have to let things happen by spending time together. But my trouble is to think if I really have good prespectives with him. I was thinking to have a little talk to him next time in order to stop ignoring to each other what is happening. I don't want to ask him for anything. I just would like to tell him that we never talk about what's going on, and that it would be positive to verbalize the reality (not the ilusion of my feelings!) that is that we have been meeting for a long time (six months! wow!) and that long time can make us feel like this is starting to be serious and that can tense us, and the reality is that we are just continuing meeting the other and have good times when we are toghether. Shaolin, normally people who is not shy just need two months to be themselves... we need more time... we are not in the point of saying what we are. We need to spend time, but what I don't want is that our fear to talk could give us a strange dynamic, what in fact it's allready happening. What do you think? Do you think this can be related to the second question I did to tarot? :roll:

I'm also agree with you.
As above, dare to speak, but in the same time, you sure he's not in couple ?
But in the same time tarot speak to you and you can be the bateleur.
Maybe you feel unconfortable, and you don't speak, because it's like you wait after his choice... maybe you feel he's scared to choose.
I think you're on the good way too.

But i can be wrong on both.
In the same time the two sides of the question, you decide to speak.
So i think It can be good to speak. VI + I

My good i just realize i didn't see the obvious !!!
With the second question !
notre relation va devenir un couple stable?

There is a perfect couple XI + I and the justice,, stability and balance.
I think it's a good sign!!
Maybe you right he need just more bollocks! i'm sorry!
Maybe you can give him this confidence, because (i can be wrong) you are strong, or you can learn to be strong together.
You can when i see the past of the second question wash the problem of communication, in saying : "we have been teenagers, let forget it and lets go!!"

antonietes さんが書きました:I'm curios Shaolin, are you a man or a woman?? :P

Guess, ... i won't be upset ... ;)
記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by antonietes » Thu Sep 09, 2010 12:32 pm

Ok!!! I realize that if you say "bollocks", then my dear Shaolin you are a man!!!!!!!
Am I right?

About if he is with someone else... Do you think that maybe what both are hiding, or keeping in secret is that we only are with each other? That we are hiding to each other that "in fact" we have a relationship but we don't have the bollocks to say? The fear of rejection!. When he came back from his journey and we met... in a very shy way we both confessed that this summer we haven't been with anybody else (****)...... I think I'm going to talk to him "lightly" we can't confess everything in a minute! But trying to make a change about how we relate with the other, trying to feel more secure to say some things, to touch, to kiss... we really look like teenagers! It's curious but when we have **** it's like everything is allowed so our way of kissing or how we touch is pationetly but at the same time so so so much tender!...

I don't know but I need to effort my BOLLOCKS TOO!!!
記事: 41
登録日時: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:26 pm

Re: Comment évoluent nos relations?Que pensez-vous?

投稿記事by Shaolin » Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:29 pm

Damned !! i'm uncovered !
I'm so rude in my speech, i'm sorry ...
I'm sorry i didn't see your answer.

Excuse me, did you allready have **** together ?

If not, the problem is "to not touch" : so touch each other, (VI) be tender together as a couple.

If yes, the problem is " to touch without love and tenderness" : So put tenderness in daily life as a couple if there is allready tenderness in bad ... haha excuse me ... in bed.

Merci de faire un retour pour infirmer ou confirmer la lecture
et de ne pas multiplier les questions avant qu'on ai lu ensemble la première

記事: 1362
登録日時: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:55 pm




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