Dear Selena,
I am back... I looked at your last 2 spreads:
What strikes me is that in both of them you have the Angel (XIII) up-right and the Maison Dieu (XVI) reversed.
So heaven is indeed sending you a message. The Angel is trying to help you. Listen to his/her message, your inner voice. What is it telling you?
The thing is that the XVI reversed could tell you that something is collapsing.. is it the hope you had for this relationship to become more intimate which is now fading because, as you mentioned rightly, you feel that a new cycle is about to start ? (X) in the future position. In any case, the solution comes from the man who takes action, speaks... or not... but it's his call. It could also be the advice you ask to a man, a confident (other that him) (V and IIII).
And in the first spread, we see again the Angel looking at the past, where we see a man who has had his problems (cards are reversed) maybe at work, maybe to get into action and move forward, because instead of looking at the Lady, he looks and the Angel. And then the solution for him is to move away from feminity (the Moon) and walk towards friendship (the Sun) together with the Hanged Man. So yes, I believe he enjoys the communication you have together on a friendship basis but I wonder if he is not scared of intimacy (not to say **** - remember that the arcana XII keeps his hands in his pockets
Dear Selena, this is what I feel.. what do you think?
Kind regards