Hello all -- please forgive me if I ask the Tarot too mundane a question, but for this American, ending the Bush-regime is very important!
I asked the Tarot "Will Obama or McCain win?" Of course, I have already committed a sin: I asked a compound question.
Notwithstanding, here is the reading:
God help us-- voting results delays! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Let me just add in one more shocked face here and some tears here and then some anger here for further dramatic effect !
(That felt good to purge my existential angst with my country!)
This is a case wherein technology has unintended consequences! We should go back to handwritten ballots.
In the past, we see a much divided and polarized Electorate (XIII). At present, a close race between the Red and Blue States (XIIII). Then, Le Pendu.
The solution is for a higher organization to break the stalemate or whatever issue stands in the way.
Alas! The candidate is still not revealed. This is my fault for asking my compound question.
Nonetheless, I know an optional rule is to determine the twin personages of La Maison Dieu. Perhaps bending the rules a bit, but following my intuition, I drew Minor Arcana for the Left of La Maison Dieu (to see that personage); and I drew a card for the Right of La Maison Dieu (to see that personage).
Left = Democracts ~ Obama.
Right = Republicans ~ McCain.
Those familiar with US politics will recognize "left...right" as well-known terms for the parties.
Left = Sept de Bâton.
Right = Trois de Bâton (reversed).
By the way, the wishful part of me thinks that Le Pendu's face has an uncanny resemblance to Obama; thus, I am fantasizing that Obama is uprighted by La Maison Dieu.