What does she want???

What does she want???

Messagepar LaPapessa » Sun Feb 19, 2012 12:41 pm

Dear Dominique,
I have another question to do to the Tarot :mrgreen: :roll:
Saturday I went to pay a visit to a friend of mine with another person (a woman that both of us, my friend an I, have known few months before). During the day I felt me really excluded of both of them and I have been really sad about.
The woman who cames with me, I don't have a "good" feeling with her.

What were the real intention of this woman during our visit by my friend?

:Tspace: :Tar06U: :Tspace: :Tspace:
:Tar20U: :Tar02D: :Tar09U: :Tar21U:
:Tspace: :TppfIT:

Thank you very much, dear Dominique.
Hope, I hope soon from you (also about the sun man :oops: :oops: )
Messages: 38
Inscription: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:22 pm

Re: What does she want???

Messagepar Dominique » Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:58 pm

Dear Papessa,
Let me make sure I understand your question: you want to know what is the intention of the lady (the one who came with you) towards you... correct?

Well, I see a man between 2 women, could there be a potential competition regarding a man or a love story? Or about some confidence you could have made?? That is what the Tarot seems to be telling you...

However, the only thing I can tell you is that if you do not have a good feeling with this lady, why do you continue seeing her? You loose your energy ... Also, you know, it is not always easy to be 3...Maybe you were only a little bit more sensitive last Saturday and this is why you felt sad, but if you regularly get this feeling in her company... be careful!

Take care
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 52
Inscription: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Localisation: Cannes

Re: What does she want???

Messagepar LaPapessa » Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:50 pm

Dear Dominique,
no, I want to know which was the intention of this lady who came with me towards my friend.
I think, that this lady would like enter in relationsship with my friend.
Yes, you're correct, but it is a long story, while I have organized this on Saturday.
I don't know her very well, but also the first time I met her (alone) it wasn't a great feeling.

My friend has a really good feeling with her and I felt sad about that. I haven't re-known my friend on Saturday....she was really "different".

No, there is no problem with a man. No lovestory.

Thank you very much.
Anyway....I won't see her (the lady) so much....I hope so!!!!

Have a nice evening.
Kind regards,
Messages: 38
Inscription: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:22 pm

Re: What does she want???

Messagepar Dominique » Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:23 pm

Dear Papessa,

OOps sorry I misunderstood your question.

It is strange though, because the Tarot shows a man between 2 ladies... I do not see 2 ladies making friends..
And the solution is Love and the 3 persons getting on well, it is also a choice... maybe you will have to decide if you want to keep seeing them?
Will you be able to tell your friend that she was different on Saturday? Maybe she will tell you why.

I understand that you could feel sad because of their behaviour.. and I hope that you will feel better soon, maybe with some new friends or relationships.
Do you plan a trip in a near future?

Have a nice evening
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 52
Inscription: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Localisation: Cannes

Re: What does she want???

Messagepar LaPapessa » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:12 pm

Dear Dominique,

Yes I have seen it....

I understand. I really like my friend and I won't lose her....but the other lady (according to me) is doing all to get with her a relationsship....and it is that what I sad about. She is/was my friend.
I have talked about with my friend. But she didn't understand really my "feeling".

Yes, I have planned a trip on the middle of March. Why???

Thanks for your help.
Now I'm a little bit sad about this situation and "closed"....

Have a nice evening.
La Papessa
Messages: 38
Inscription: Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:22 pm

Re: What does she want???

Messagepar Dominique » Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:41 pm

I understand what you are going through and I know it is not easy.
I feel that going away for a while will help you change your mind, have a good time.. and you will forget all the difficult time you are going through at the moment!!
So this is good news!!
Sleep well and have sweet dreams
ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 52
Inscription: Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:35 pm
Localisation: Cannes

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