Will I find a partner?

Will I find a partner?

Messagepar Shazade » Mon Oct 24, 2011 6:03 pm


I want to know if I am going to find a friend or partner soon (I mean in these coming weeks, months or so)?

If not, I want to know what is the blockage.

And if yes, can I have the approximate timing?

Thank you!!

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Messages: 10
Inscription: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:38 pm

Re: Will I find a partner?

Messagepar skip » Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:39 am

Hi Shazade,

the only blockage in your spread is VIII Justice in the future, with X Wheel of Fortune as a solution. The message here is that you need to step into owning your power and DECIDE that you are now open to meeting a partner. You may have a habit of thinking that fate "happens" to you, rather than that you create your own destiny, and if so, then it seems a lack of decisive action has been keeping you single; instead, decide that you are now attracting a partner and then follow your heart, and it will lead you to meet that partner.

There is only one future column, so if you are willing to make that shift and act on your inner guidance, it seems that you could meet that person very soon. All you need is to open your consciousness to the knowing that you are the source and creator of your singlehood—and couplehood.

good luck!
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ancien élève
ancien élève
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Localisation: Tokyo/Lisbon/Paris

Re: Will I find a partner?

Messagepar Shazade » Thu Oct 27, 2011 9:20 pm

Skip, Thank you so much for your response. I will start to be more active rather than letting life passing by.
Maybe I am a bit picky I guess.
I will follow your advice that seems to me very accurate.

I have a curiosity about that (Le Pap) card. Supposing that I am the hermit, why i am looking back to the (le pap) card?
Is it important for me to know this? If not, doesn't matter.

Messages: 10
Inscription: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:38 pm

Re: Will I find a partner?

Messagepar skip » Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:36 am

This is where we run into the main limitation of a forum such as this:

starting with only the bare bones of a question, without the background of the question or even basic information such as whether you are a man or woman, limits the what can be said about the message you are receiving. If you share more information, a more precise message from the tarot may appear; otherwise, here are a few general hints:

On one level, the Pope and the Hermit looking at each other can be two men, with a strong relationship implied by their eyes meeting. That of course could be various types of relationship, including familial or deep friendship, and on another level it does not have to be men, although for me there is the sense of being peers or colleagues. Someone you know already perhaps, or a friendship growing into something more.

Or it could be that when you get decisive about it and you are ready, you can speak to a friend and that friend will introduce you to this new person.....

The two cards also share the meaning of teacher/teaching/learning, perhaps the context of a school.

Finally, if this is you on a timeline, meaning that you were the Pope in the past and have now become the Hermit, note that the Pope is with people and the Hermit is alone, so it may be a progression of you having recently entered a phase of being rather isolated. Regardless, the Hermit also lets us know that you are in the middle of a change of consciousness, and that bigger changes are coming soon (X).

Anyway, that's what I see without specific information about you, your age, line of work etc.

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ancien élève
ancien élève
Messages: 50
Inscription: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:05 pm
Localisation: Tokyo/Lisbon/Paris

Re: Will I find a partner?

Messagepar Shazade » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:40 pm

Skip, thank you for your time and patience to reply. I am a woman by the way.
And you have just gave me the information I needed.
I am a tarot learner and I liked all the detailed explanation you gave.
Hope my english is good for you to understand.

Have a nice day!
Messages: 10
Inscription: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:38 pm

Re: Will I find a partner?

Messagepar Paul » Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:43 pm

Bonjour Shazade :

I’ll add my two cents.

Amongst the other possible meanings of L’Hermite in the context of one’s question, I like to imagine that L’Hermite “ripens” what he regards—imagine that he is like an oak barrel ripening wine, getting deeper and more complex in bouquet. Thus, he can be the “ripener” of the Tarot, which is why he can signify a “positive crisis,” in that he illuminates moments in our life where deeper, slower understanding is forced to come about, much the same way that wine is “forced” into a barrel to ferment, etc. So, now you have the visual.

So, what is he ripening? Le Pape, which can signify a relationship, especially of the conventional sort, a committed relationship that follows scruples, rules, conventions.

Where I am headed here is that this reading may be simply confirming your question, as if to say, “Indeed, you have been and are now within a situation wherein you are ripe {L’Hermite} for a conventional and committed relationship {Le Pape}”. And, because the cards are upright, it is confirming that there is no “problem,” per se, with this objective. It is in harmony with your higher self's objective (or whatever form of spirituality one might take). I find that readings sometimes (within the Past and Present columns) confirm the question. If they were reversed, the Tarot might be highlighting that your question/your objective/your inquiry is (for lack of a better word) flawed, and thus that is where to start. But, here the concept of being ripe for a relationship is upright.

So, the “problem” or challenge, I like to rather say, is represented by La Justice (reversed). As elucidated already, the solution is La Roue de Fortune.

I would draw one visual rhyme regarding La Justice and La Roue de Fortune. It’s helpful to look for visual rhymes in the reading when cards are adjacent, above and below, or at extremities—notice the two swords (one on La Justice; one on La Roue de Fortune in the hand of the sphinx). One sword is stiff and upright, the other sword is small and tilted. What does this metaphor mean for you? You mentioned you are “picky”? I wonder if this is a metaphor confirming the need to bend a bit, take a risk, let go of some stiff and picky core beliefs limiting you in some way.


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